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Gordon Parks: Hampden Cup Final shame is a sign of society's wider problems

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Re my post if you go to church every Sunday there will be no doubt a sermon bemoaning those who are not there and you will sit and listen(a subtle form of brainwashing).

Many years ago I had a conversation with the Minister in the church my wife attended as did our boys for Sunday school.I was asked by the Minister why when I helped out with many thing including delivering and collecting christian aid envelopes,delivering "harvest thanksgiving and so on Iwas not a member of the church.

My reply was that I did not see why I should sit every Sunday and have him look down upon those there and preach about those not there.He laughed and with a wry grin stated"John I can not beat that arguement and thanked me and looked to my continued support as a non-member.

With regard to non-catholics attending catholic schools several children from where I do my crossing patrol went to the catholic school by choice due to travelling ease when moving up to secondary education.

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Would never want to belittle someone's beliefs and everyone should be free to believe what they want,


Well you make a good fucking effort at doing it. by saying:


it just leaves those of us who realise it is complete crap worried about the sanity of people who can believe such obviously made up and doctored doctrine.



Please do not be offended bluedell


You expect someone not to be offended by you going around saying they're insane because of their beliefs. Wow. Yeah, just the wort of attitude I'd want the person in charge of a nuclear arsenal to have.


There's a difference between saying "I respect your views" and going about saying "your beliefs are complete crap and I worry about your sanity" and expect them not to be offended.

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Re my post if you go to church every Sunday there will be no doubt a sermon bemoaning those who are not there and you will sit and listen(a subtle form of brainwashing).


And that's it? So if they don't say that then there's no brainwashing?


If you hear a politician bemoaning those who don't vote is that brainwashing?


Seriously? You have a strange definition of what brainwashing is.

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I respect your right to your views. That's not the same as saying I respect everything the bible says or will take without question or comment inaccuracies painted as fact. You have the right to believe and spread the words you believe in just the same as I have the right to question them.


I expect everybody to have the ability to question and examine then state their opinion no matter what that opinion is


Do you not believe I have the right to say what I believe without anyone getting offended? Why is it only religions that hold that right?


You can treat these questions as rhetorical . whether you believe it or not i have no intention in offending you I am sorry you are obviously offended by what I believe

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Not really I can see where people get that opinion from. Britain and especially the Union Jack is synonymous with the prodestant religion in Scotland. Anything like this should be thought of in majorities. Guessing but I would say the majority of Scotland's Catholics voted to leave the union while the majority of prodestants voted to stay. Obviously it's all subjective but think most people see Union Jack and think prodestant. The SNP in my opinion last week have shown without a doubt in my mind that they do not care for or look out for those they regard as pro British whether they consider those people by affiliation to be prodestant is pretty much impossible to tell.Rangers fans are regarded as being pro British and Prodestant for most that seems to go hand in hand even though if you took a consensus I would bet most of our support would lean toward atheists.


Don't know if anyone has ever done a split of the vote by religion would be interested in seeing it personally. I would strongly suggest based on nothing more than my circle of friends work colleagues etc that the vast majority of the 17% of the population who are classed as Catholic would have mostly voted for independence and the opposite for the percentage of Prodestants.


Using the label prodestant as opposed to the actual protestant doesn't do your argument any favours.

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Using the label prodestant as opposed to the actual protestant doesn't do your argument any favours.
not really sure how being dyslexic changes one iota of the argument. Facts are facts whether the person saying is in your eyes of lesser intelligence or not.


Argument is also a strong word to use not sure how any argument or discussion could take place on the merits of the bible. There is no reasoned defence just faith. The likely hood of there being a god or any such thing is a different argument altogether

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