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Proposed changes to Football League in England

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I have no objections to anything you have said, it's fair comment and no doubt accurate regarding views in the South but in saying that I still think there is a chasm between Rangers and Celtic fans when it comes to acceptable behaviour or songs. The vast majority of what you mention regarding Rangers fans is anachronistic and likely wouldn't even be understood by the average person in England which given that fact would be unlikely to lead to any offence. How many in the South would have any idea what Billy Boys refers to?


The Celtic support on the other hand have a vast repertoire drawn from recent times which everyone will instantly grasp. They know what the IRA is and they know the IRA have murdered British soldiers and civilians both in Northern Ireland and on the British mainland.


Tack that on to continuing absue of current British soliders and the British army in general one example being not just a total lack of respect for remembrance day but deliberate and abusive actions to disrupt such things as a minutes silence on remembrance day and you're looking at a whole different ball game. How would THAT go down in the South if they happened to have a match in England on remembrance day and disrupted any activities?


And as far as the schools go well i'm as bamboozled by that as the English are but who is insisting on perpetuating that?


Pretty sure any songs glorifying the IRA wouldn't be very welcome in either Manchester or London in particular!

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Scottish football means nothing to me, save that the team i love are unfortunately in it. I believe Rangers will play either in an expanded Football League of England or some form of Atlantic or British league, the sooner the better for all of our safety and sanity and for the safety and well being of the club.

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I would love to see that Aweebluesoanso, primarily the former!


Scottish football means nothing to me, save that the team i love are unfortunately in it. I believe Rangers will play either in an expanded Football League of England or some form of Atlantic or British league, the sooner the better for all of our safety and sanity and for the safety and well being of the club.
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Scottish football means nothing to me, save that the team i love are unfortunately in it. I believe Rangers will play either in an expanded Football League of England or some form of Atlantic or British league, the sooner the better for all of our safety and sanity and for the safety and well being of the club.


I'd love to share your belief. I share your wishes and hopes though I suspect a British League would still find as beset by haters from Scotland. Still it would be numerically fewer of the bassas.

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