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today children, we will look through the window of objectivity

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This morning, Beeb Scotland decided to discuss the possible repeal of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Another Presenter, this time, Kaye Adams was badly let down by her Producer. A forty minute discussion/phone-in had as two principal speakers, Jeanette Findlay and Martin Hannan. Dearest Jinty is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, she heads up Fans Against Criminalisation(a Sellik supporters' pressure group), and was the Spokesperson for ra Sellik Trust. Martin is a former rc priest, current Chief Sports Writer for the National, and perpetual condescending cnut concerning our club. There were no surprises, all examples quoted painted Rangers supporters as the bad guys.


This Act began with the then Scottish Government Minister responsible, Roseanna Cunningham providing a definition of sectarianism as, 'an expression of anti-catholic sentiment'. The Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland took it forward telling everyone, including Stuart Cosgrove that he was not interested in prosecuting for usage of the H term. Frank is a big, big Sellik man. Another Sellik season ticket/share holder, the current Justice Minister, Michael Mathieson supported Peter Kearney's claim that the Hokey-Kokey was sectarian. You see the hands on the levers of control?


I subscribe to a popular belief among Bears reference this Act. It was deliberately fashioned to get after Rangers supporters, but when the Police and PFs applied it across the board, it was deemed to be, not working properly. You hear M'Learned Friends whispering that regular Police kettling had netted a number of sons of high profile Solicitors, and such criminalisation had to be confronted. You see, the same lads could climb on to the roof of St Aloysius College, replete in school uniforms and balaclavas, and unfurl a banner that covered two storeys stating, 'the H-u-ns are going Bust' and that would be deemed youthful exuberance. Particularly, when it was revealed it was part of their Higher Art exam, and their teacher provided assistance. Amazing, the differing consequences from two controlled environments.


Beeb Scotland adhered absolutely to another controlled environment this morning, Jeanette and Martin knew the parameters. The parody of Play School is most apt, the round window, square window, and arched window were all looked through. Will Beeb Scotland deviate from the path of least resistance(among it's Producers), and take a keek through the window of objectivity? Go on, give Tom Gallagher a phone.

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Couldn't agree more with the above post, it's becomes more sickening as a very day passes. I sit and wonder how they have managed to escape scrutiny over their blatant anti Rangers/Protestant bias. Make no mistake they associate one with the other. I had hoped with the new BBC legislation that the government would have more power from Westminster to address this, however it falls far short.

On a side note, I know there are many mhanks at UofG, not everyone though and there is also a RSC from the Uni. It seems fashionable in certain quarters to fall under the impression it's all sewer dwellers, it isn't. WATP.

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