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C****c safe standing plans to go ahead from next season

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Celtic will introduce a safe-standing area from the start of next season.


The club confirmed in their season-ticket renewal information that rail seats are to be installed at Celtic Park over the summer.


The modified area will be in the corner of the Lisbon Lions Stand.


Permission was granted in June last year, with the model being used based on versatile seating common at German grounds. Their initial plans were to accommodate up to 2,600 supporters.


Glasgow City Council, which had twice previously rejected applications from the Scottish champions, gave the project its approval in June last year.


At the time, Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell said: "Across football globally, the reality is that some supporters are choosing to stand at matches.


"Rail seating has been in place in European football for some time and there has been considerable demand for some form of safe standing within the UK and particularly from our supporters."



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I have stood in the Dortmund standing area and hated it really. I am not that tall so I was mostly looking at peoples heads. Give me a nice seat but I can imagine younger people would love the atmosphere.

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What a rag the DR is ...



Clarification on Celtic Park safe standing


18:08, 6 May 2016

Updated 18:09, 6 May 2016

By dailyrecord.co.uk



CELTIC announced in June 2015 that the club was introducing plans for safe standing at Celtic Park.


AN article which appeared on our website on Thursday May 5 headlined “Celtic safe standing announcement branded 'insensitive' by Hillsborough campaigner” stated that the club's chief executive, Peter Lawwell, had announced plans for safe standing at Celtic Park the previous day.


We would like to make clear that Celtic had announced in June 2015 that a safe standing section would be introduced at Celtic Park and that Peter Lawwell did not make any announcement regarding safe standing on 4 May as we had reported.


We apologise for this error and are happy to set the record straight.


Read more at http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/corrections-clarifications/clarification-celtic-park-safe-standing-7913493#G8KcgOjgkcqSLqft.99

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I have stood in the Dortmund standing area and hated it really. I am not that tall so I was mostly looking at peoples heads. Give me a nice seat but I can imagine younger people would love the atmosphere.


I stood for the whole game at Hampden at the Petro Final as did the whole section around us, I've thought for years now that you can't beat a nice (plastic) seat...but I was wrong.

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