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New Chairman in Summer?

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Ok, a figure of speech, I meant the board duties of chairing board meetings and setting and driving the agenda and providing leadership - as well as a load of other stuff. Month to month then...?


BTW Is it not the chair that the CEO is responsible to, and with whom he liaises with and takes advice and direction from? That sounds week to week...


My point was that I thought a lot of that stuff could be delegated to another board member, without that person needing the appellation of "Chair".


To give you a live example cal...


The Chair of my company here has a "day job" too. The President & CEO (one role) answer to the Board, not the Chair. Our Board meets on a quarterly basis. The RFC Board will likely meet more often, say monthly - but the Chair isn't involved in the day to day and even if Board meet quarterly there is an Executive Committee which has the authority to act on behalf of the Board in the event that there is a more pressing matter and they cant engage the full Board.


The CEO is accountable to the Board of Directors, not the Chair specifically. He also takes his direction from the Board, not the Chair.


Depending on the company The Chair can be either vitally important or more of a figurehead role.

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