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2-1 Hertz now,these teams are nothing to worry about by the way,the ball is more in the air than the deck,we have nothing to fear from either of these two teams,and these teams are sitting 2nd & 3rd,bearing in mind Hibs knocked both these teams out of the Scottish cup!,looking forward to next season

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League done, lasted longer than we thought though.


We really have nothing to fear next season!,including the bheasts,we play football on the deck,none of the SP teams do,it's all lump it long stuff from them all,Scottish football is going backwards,thankfully we have a proper football man managing our club.

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We really have nothing to fear next season!,including the bheasts,we play football on the deck,none of the SP teams do,it's all lump it long stuff from them all,Scottish football is going backwards,thankfully we have a proper football man managing our club.


Whilst I agree with you about all of that Ian.... the sad reality is that there is a possibility that "lump it high and long" football could be successful against our "keep it on the deck, retain possession" football. I hope it doesn't work out that way but just because we play the most attractive football doesn't mean it will also be the most successful.... Only Talbot do that :ninja:

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Whilst I agree with you about all of that Ian.... the sad reality is that there is a possibility that "lump it high and long" football could be successful against our "keep it on the deck, retain possession" football. I hope it doesn't work out that way but just because we play the most attractive football doesn't mean it will also be the most successful.... Only Talbot do that :ninja:


Well, then we will get humped every game in that case!,because there is no chance MW will change his football philosophy!, I tend to go with MW and believe football is played on the deck so will be happy next season continuing playing football the way it should be played!

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Well, then we will get humped every game in that case!,because there is no chance MW will change his football philosophy!, I tend to go with MW and believe football is played on the deck so will be happy next season continuing playing football the way it should be played!


Take it easy bud, look at what I am saying.


I believe in MW and his playing style too. But there can be no guarantees it will be successful. My point is, much like watching UFC where the best fighter doesn't always win because sometimes he comes up against an opponent that stylistically doesn't suit him..... so too could we come up against the usual blood and snotters type of football and fail. It MIGHT happen. But that would not see me asking for a change in philosophy, I would just hope that we would counter the physicality with a couple of physical, ball-playing additions that would counter the up and under tactics we will undoubtedly face.

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Take it easy bud, look at what I am saying.


I believe in MW and his playing style too. But there can be no guarantees it will be successful. My point is, much like watching UFC where the best fighter doesn't always win because sometimes he comes up against an opponent that stylistically doesn't suit him..... so too could we come up against the usual blood and snotters type of football and fail. It MIGHT happen. But that would not see me asking for a change in philosophy, I would just hope that we would counter the physicality with a couple of physical, ball-playing additions that would counter the up and under tactics we will undoubtedly face.


I'm cool mate:thup:.


I know you believe in the way MW wants us to play. No point in talking to me about UFC as I never watch it:).

We have come up against a lot of bus parking & hitting on the break this season,I can't remember losing many headed goals??,and I honestly don't think the SP is much more physically challenging the the Championship?,aye there are slightly better quality but I am confident if we can maintain our high standard of play we have not a lot to fear,of course we will have some bad results but overall we can compete in the SP.

I think I am agreeing with you?:D

Edited by ian1964
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I saw a little of the game and it was embarrassing to be honest. Neither side could string two passes together and, as has been said, the ball spent most of the time in the air. There is just no control. It's like Sunday League football but with 'better' footballers; there's still no tactical awareness or coherent game-plan IMO. We were just waiting for the ball to bounce fortunately! For this to be a top-of-the-table clash (or 2nd and 3rd) is unreal.


I agree with Craig, that despite us having control of the ball, a coherent game-plan etc. that doesn't necessarily mean we'll trounce every side; that's not how football works. If we can control games, and look like we're approaching things the way they should be approached (tactical, technical, with a coherent game-plan and philosophy), then I'll be content; even if that means we loose a few. I believe that with our philosophy we only need better players than we currently have to get to the stage we're we are trouncing teams. We're doing things the right way; I'm delighted with that. It's a shame backward football can still be 'effective' in this country.

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The great "problem" for the "would-be contenders" is that they can beat it each other or fail to carve out 1-0s against the lesser teams despite playing shyte. The Scum have enough first teamers to do that and thus sneak away with the points more often than not.

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