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A big chance looms for Rangers fans to finally stand united

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GERS supporters have bickered like the Gallagher brothers but could be soon very close to ensuring they have a huge say at boardroom level by all coming together.


THE most important result in the recent history of Rangers won’t be flashed on a scoreboard at Hampden or Ibrox before the end of the season.


It will drop in an email, probably next weekend, and will provide evidence - or not - of the ability of Rangers fans to finally unite under one progressive banner.


As bickering families go, there have been times the Light Blues legions have made Liam and Noel sound as harmonious as Donny and Marie.


Various groups, organisations, associations and assemblies have flickered and flared with the best of intentions, only to collapse under accusations and allegations, claims of self-interest and, ultimately, apathy.


Over the past fortnight, a consultation has been undertaken in a bid to finally establish a position of collective strength under the guise of Club 1872.


On Monday morning a five-day polling period will begin in which members of Rangers First, the Rangers Trust and season ticket holders, via the official Fan Board, will be asked to formally join forces.


It has the potential to impact positively on Rangers going forward and give fans a genuine voice in club affairs after years of appalling financial mis-management.


It is also indicative of a wider move among Scottish football fans move to have their clubs run on more democratic lines, although it appears the benevolent dictator will continue to hold sway.


Wealthy figures such as Dermot Desmond, Roy McGregor, Sir Tom Farmer, Dave King and Ann Budge will remain the ultimate bank of last resort but there has long been an acceptance of the need for our top teams to wash their financial faces.


The circumstances of every club are different, but fan schemes such as Dee4Life and the Foundation of Hearts have shown supporters can carry genuine influence in dictating policy, fully engaging with organisations in which they invest so much emotion and time.


Rangers First and the Rangers Supporters Trust already own over five per cent of their club and with £800,000 already in the bank, ring fenced for the purchase of new shares, they could soon be in control of up to 10 per cent of its stock.


More than 50,000 Rangers fans will be polled next week and with a range of membership options - the most common of which is likely to be a commitment to invest £18.72 a month - the fans are likely to raise at least £1 million a year.


If Rangers fans own 25 per cent of their club it would ensure they control the balance of power at boardroom level and cherished club assets, for example, could not be moved around corporate balance sheets again like a rich man’s plaything.


More than that, the principle of one member, one vote will see annual elections and a democratic decision making on the investment of funds - a museum, for example, or stadium infrastructure projects, improving the matchday experience or even investment in the playing squad.


Rangers fans have a powerful voice which deserves to be heard on issues such as the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. They have been too quiet on it, understandably perhaps, with their energies focused inward in recent years on re-building their own club.


Rangers fans must also seize greater ownership of the debate around their own reputation, particularly the issue of sectarian singing which continues to blight and which they would do well to tackle and eradicate.


There will be a meeting of Rangers fans interested in exploring further details of the scheme at the Ibrox Suite tonight at 7pm, following on from a similar get together at the ground on Sunday.


Informal feedback already suggests there is an overwhelming appetite among fans for change to the new model and it’s anticipated more than 85 per cent of those polled will vote in favour of Club 1872.


It will be a fully independent organisation, although the Rangers board are fully committed to working alongside it.


Unlike those warring Gallagher brothers, it might be better in years to come if Rangers fans Don’t Look Back In Anger.

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I know Ralston is a Bear, but whoever gave the go-ahead (or asked) for this puff piece in the most Rangers-hating paper out there really needs to take a good long look at themselves.


Cut off all ties with ALL newspapers NOW please.


While having sympathy with what you're saying, a lot of Gers fans only get their information from newspapers. they will end up not knowing about this if it's not in the Record, Sun, Mail etc.

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I get that BD, but the odd snippet of information that can be useful, like this article, is vastly overwhelmed by a huge amount of biased or inaccurate (and quite often both) articles. They cannot even accurately represent what was said at a media conference, so what credibility can we give them? Given the Record's long long line of abuse of power when it comes to Rangers, there is no way that the fans group should be getting this kind of thing done in partnership with this paper. Remembering this is the paper with the official tie up with our biggest rivals.


By all means release a press statement, or ask the club to put something up on the official club website (we are all friends now right?!) and get the statements on all social media. Anyone not covered by this doesn't really care very much or will vote anyway.


The latest readership figures for the Record is about 260K according to the NRS for 2015. Take out all the bheasts, egg-chasers, non-sports and downsize it to any Rangers supporters with a vote that doesnt already know about it through social media or talking to other Bears and what are you down to? A very small number IMO (unquantifiable of course!), so it doesnt seem worth it to me to give this rag the piece to do when we certainly get a lot more negative publicity from the paper than positive.


The inky trade is dying, rightly so, and the sooner the better for Rangers supporters.

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