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We seem to have this idea that 99% of our support are dyed in the wool unionists, but i think the actual figure would be more of a surprise. I've always been proud enough to call myself both British and Scottish in the past, but i've just had enough of the anti-scottish agenda now, and i want out


That'll be you banned then











































I think it is a very recent thing that Rangers fans believe that they must follow a certain political expression, but that can't be further from the truth. Many Rangers fans are socialist and many will want an independant Scotland. I for one would never want every Rangers fan to have the same political agenda as myself, that isn't want supporting Rangers is about....


Cammy F - One Faith, One Crown, One Union Loyal RSC

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I think it is a very recent thing that Rangers fans believe that they must follow a certain political expression, but that can't be further from the truth. Many Rangers fans are socialist and many will want an independant Scotland. I for one would never want every Rangers fan to have the same political agenda as myself, that isn't want supporting Rangers is about....


Cammy F - One Faith, One Crown, One Union Loyal RSC


True, but i still think our club 'promotes' that identity a bit too much for my liking. The playing of the likes of Rule Britannia before games, the political views of Mr Murray himself, and even points 8 and 10 in the Blue Orders mission statement! Kinda makes you look out of touch if you disagree with any of those, after all, we are meant to be a football club, not a political statement! I also (personal opinion) that by linking ourselves to this whole Rule Britannia thing, that we run the risk of unruly fans and nazi saluters ..... look at how much better the England fans have become now they have moved away from this imperialist nonsense


For years we only made merchandise with UJ's on it, i remember emailing the club years ago about it and was told that their was no demand for Saltire branded stuff ..... about 6 months later they bought some out and it sold so well that it has continued ever since, down to the point where we now even have the Saltire on our strip!! We seem to be in a right muddle at times, with no clear identity :(

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I don't think we are, maybe its because I am comfortable with the whole British & Scottish 'joint' identity ;) However, like you say, we have taken steps to regain our Scottishness and I think, no matter how they have gone about this, the club has to be congratulated for this.


As for RB and GSTQ, I can see where you are coming from, but if we can get the numpties who salute during these songs, then I can't see the problem. England fans sing these songs with pride and gustto and without the salutes, hopefully we can be the same :D


Cammy F

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However, like you say, we have taken steps to regain our Scottishness and I think, no matter how they have gone about this, the club has to be congratulated for this.


Well, i suppose so, but like i said, they plainly refused to listen for long enough based on the emails i sent them .... but hey, once they saw money could be made, they jumped on board :D


As for RB and GSTQ, I can see where you are coming from, but if we can get the numpties who salute during these songs, then I can't see the problem. England fans sing these songs with pride and gustto and without the salutes, hopefully we can be the same :D


Well, that is where we will disagree. I for one hope that we will remove this song from the pre-match repetoire next season .... not that i really object to anyone singing it (i refrain from doing so) but more so to just get those idiots to cut out the salute .... as let's face it, we are gonna have a hard enough time at the start of the season being scrutinised by UEFA!

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As for RB and GSTQ, I can see where you are coming from, but if we can get the numpties who salute during these songs, then I can't see the problem. England fans sing these songs with pride and gustto and without the salutes, hopefully we can be the same :D

Cammy F


Ah, but Rangers fans don't actually sing it for any real pride in Britain reasons, do they? They only do it to get up the noses of the Tims - just like most of our repertoire...


Some people love to buy into this "in crowd" identity thing and go the whole hog with their football team and so with Rangers that seems to mean being a loyalist/royalist, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, a unionist, a Tory voter, pretending to be a member of the orange lodge, a prod (whatever that is), an Anglophile, a Boyne celebrator, an Ulster-man, a pope fetishist, etc, etc. Oh yeah, you have to hate anything to do with Celtic with all your passion.


Their role model must be a cross between Tim Brook Taylor and Ian Paisley with a bit of Michael Carroll thrown in...

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Ah, but Rangers fans don't actually sing it for any real pride in Britain reasons, do they? They only do it to get up the noses of the Tims - just like most of our repertoire...


Can only speak for myself, that statement is utter rubbish. I sing these songs due to the pride in my nation - no other reason.


Some people love to buy into this "in crowd" identity thing and go the whole hog with their football team and so with Rangers that seems to mean being a loyalist/royalist, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, a unionist, a Tory voter, pretending to be a member of the orange lodge, a prod (whatever that is), an Anglophile, a Boyne celebrator, an Ulster-man, a pope fetishist, etc, etc. Oh yeah, you have to hate anything to do with Celtic with all your passion.


Again, I can only speak for myself, this is more Utter Pish Calscot. I am pro-Rangers, Pro-Union, Pro-conservative (small c), pro-Church Of Scotland and proud of all that.


I am anti-Pope, but that comes from my christian believes and has nothing to do with Rangers. I detest his stance on religion, abortions, homosexuals, aids, condoms etc.


I do hate anything to do with Craptic, that is natural in a football supporter. I hate them ffor purely footballing reasons. In saying that, its most pitty rather than hate to be honest.


Can't see what you are trying to get at here Calscot....


Cammy F

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Jim, if people are free to support who ever they want at football, surely the same rule applies to tennis.... :rolleyes:


This reply seems out of order as I can only can't find anywhere where Jim disagrees with this and in fact he says this exact thing himself...


Perhaps you should read his post again?

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This reply seems out of order


Does it, Jim didn't think so and we have agreed on some points raised and agreed to disagree on other....


This topic has gone of on a tangent - instead of debating vile, racist attacks it is somehow managed to become a topic where one Rangers fan questions the political and religous believes and opinions of others.


Their role model must be a cross between Tim Brook Taylor and Ian Paisley with a bit of Michael Carroll thrown in...


'Their role model' - is that the entire Rangers support, which you are one, or just some Calscot? I am really struggling to get what you arte suggesting here....



Cammy F

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Can only speak for myself, that statement is utter rubbish. I sing these songs due to the pride in my nation - no other reason.


You may do but how does that make my statement rubbish? You seem to be taking my statement very personally - I said some people, I did not personally mean you. But it's the old Springer show logic coming out, "I'm American and I'm not fat so America can't be the fattest nation."


But let me ask you how often and where you sing these songs? Did you sing along when it was played at the BBC closedown? Would you sing them at Firhill if you just happened to support Partick Thistle instead?


If you really spontaneously burst into the national anthem in your life outside Ibrox, I can imagine that a lot of people think you are a complete nutter.


It's funny that there seems to be no other team in the country that have any supporters with the same pride in their nation as you and other Rangers fans... and that includes teams in England too. In fact even Fulham fans didn't join in and actually call the singing, "poisonous".


But then maybe I've got the source of the in-crowd thing wrong, maybe if you're on the extreme edge of being proud to be British it is "in" to support Rangers and not the other way around...


Again, I can only speak for myself, this is more Utter Pish Calscot. I am pro-Rangers, Pro-Union, Pro-conservative (small c), pro-Church Of Scotland and proud of all that.


I am anti-Pope, but that comes from my christian believes and has nothing to do with Rangers. I detest his stance on religion, abortions, homosexuals, aids, condoms etc.


Ah, I can see I've hit a soft spot here. Sounds like you've chosen the perfect football club with a big section of fans who seem to exaclty match your beliefs. You even get to feed your compulsion of singing GSTQ and have a load of people join in.


But then it could just be a big coincidence...


I do hate anything to do with Craptic, that is natural in a football supporter. I hate them ffor purely footballing reasons. In saying that, its most pitty rather than hate to be honest.


And here was me believing you treat everyone the same... :rolleyes: Hate is a very strong word for people you don't even know...


The thing is, would you believe what you believe if you were brought up as a Catholic near Parkhead and went to St Timothy's school? Or is there a chance that you would be the complete opposite?


Can't see what you are trying to get at here Calscot....


Cammy F


The point I'm getting at is that many people adapt their whole belief system just to fit into what they see as the "in crowd", there are many research papers on this.


We are all susceptable to some degree but some more than others.


I think you are naive that you really think Rangers fans want to sing GSTQ for any purist nationalistic reasons. Even the highly indoctrinated Americans don't spontaneously burst into their national anthem during sporting occasions, they do it in an organised way at the beginning due to tradition and that's it.


The thing about this "in crowd" thing is that there is automatically an "out crowd" thing which creates discrimation, abuse and violence between opposing groups when people take it to extremes.


The Old Firm rivalry is a great example of this and it's happening now between England and Scotland fans except it's becoming one sided as the Enlgish don't see us as good enough to be their "out crowd", they've chosen Germany instead.

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Calscot, where and when I sing GSTQ has fuck all to do with you if I am honest. But I'll humour you - I sing it at the BB's, I sing it at the cricket, I sing it at Last Night At The Proms, basically anywhere it is played, I'll join in. So what, I'm patriotic, if that makes me a 'nutter' in your book, no real loss to me...


Go back and reread your OWN posts, you at no point stated that your bile and gernalisation was aimed at 'sections' of the Rangers support. In fact, you clearly typed ; Rangers supporters and 'their' - so you were, IMO implying that ALL Rangers supporters.....


As for other clubs singing the national anthem. Personally, I have heard Newcastle, Leeds, Sunderland, Arsenal, Linfield and Glentorn fans join in when Rangers fans sung this (and other songs). But, hey what would I know, I was only at the games in question and heard it with my own ears. Maybe I was hearing things tho - I'll get my ears checked ASAP.


As for my hate of Craptic - big deal - here was me thinking that what a football rivalry was. However, thanks to your insight, I have ditched my Rangers scarf and season ticket and have bought a Craptic one instead :rolleyes: I will also make it my duty to pollute footballing messageboards pleading with fans to stop 'hating' their rivals and start to 'love' them.


Not that it is any of your business, I have close family and friends who are Catholic and Craptic supporters. I get on great with them believe it or not, and have had and will continue to treat them and any other Tim that is nice to me with the respect that they deserve....


As for having these same opinons if my name was Shaun O'Shaunassy from Glasgow via Dublin? Who the fuck would I know?


In fact, if you bother to read some of my old rants on the old board, or any of my articles in No1 Fanzine, you'll find that I am not one for 'running with the in-crowd'. I like to make my own mind up Calscot and I have been successful using this mantra in my life so far.


If I were to have ran with the 'in-crowd' at School whilst growing up, I certainly wouldn't have been a Rangers supporters, conservative (with a small c), a Unionist. In fact, I would probably have grown up the exact opposite.


Calscot, I may fail to measure up to your image / standard of a Scotsman and a Rangers fan, but hey, I'll not lose any sleep over it.


Maybe we can have a pint the next time your up watching The Bears and maybe then you'll understand me and my love for my country, nation and football team.


As I said above, you've done a great job of turning this thread about racist, thuggish and scumbag Scots into a personal grudge against me and other sections of the Rangers support....


Cammy F

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