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Expect nothing less from a Sheep Shagger

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well, those attacks are very sad i have to say, the idiots need locking up in jail....



... however, i do think a lot of these stupid acts are being provoked by what i can only describe as the most horrendous anti-scottish campaign that i have ever seen from the 'national' (english!) media. The amount of silly comments i have heard on national tv, radio, and press, has been unbelievable, even down to people saying that they wont support Andy Murray at Wimbledon because when asked if he was supporting England he had the sheer cheek :rolleyes: to say no! Funny, i cant remember Tim or Greg being asked if they were backing Scotland at any time!


Such anti-scottishness only gives fire to these idiots that will sink as low as attacking kids, and to be brutally honest, the media campaign has now persuaded me that i WILL vote for an independent Scotland at the next election campaign ..... and i expect pelters for that too, because Rangers fans arent allowed to have that view, eh?

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well, those attacks are very sad i have to say, the idiots need locking up in jail....



... however, i do think a lot of these stupid acts are being provoked by what i can only describe as the most horrendous anti-scottish campaign that i have ever seen from the 'national' (english!) media. The amount of silly comments i have heard on national tv, radio, and press, has been unbelievable, even down to people saying that they wont support Andy Murray at Wimbledon because when asked if he was supporting England he had the sheer cheek :rolleyes: to say no! Funny, i cant remember Tim or Greg being asked if they were backing Scotland at any time!

Why SHOULD they support Andy Murray ? He isn't supporting their national team (the only home nation in the tournament) - so why should they support a Scotsman at Wimbledon ? I can't say I blame them for taking that stance. Surely your only complaint is that the question was asked ? It still is an innocent question IMO.



Such anti-scottishness only gives fire to these idiots that will sink as low as attacking kids, and to be brutally honest, the media campaign has now persuaded me that i WILL vote for an independent Scotland at the next election campaign ..... and i expect pelters for that too, because Rangers fans arent allowed to have that view, eh?
As a Rangers fan you can vote for whoever you like - IMO politics and football allegiance are two different issues. regarding your "anti-scottishness" comment... to put the shoe on the other foot.... is Andy Murray not being "anti-English" with his response ? Or what about our First Minister with his "i will support everyone that plays against England" comment ? Anti-English ? YES, in my opinion.
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Complete nonsense!


What is anti-English about saying that you dont support England? That is utter pish mate, im sorry! You are starting to sound like the blooming media!! Andy Murray represents the UK, not Scotland, that's a whole different thing. Many Scots will not support the English football team, but will support other people representing the UK, but this is ONLY being blown out of all proportion because a Scot, Andy Murray, said it! :rolleyes:


People are free to support anyone they want, and it should be left at that, but the English seem to be on a 'please everyone love us' crusade, and are out to put down any Scot who doesnt support them ..... can't see i have seen too much coverage given to those in Scotland who are supporting them though, have you?


I dont support England, but i have many English friends, frequently visit and holiday in England, and generally (with the exception of a few cockney wanks i have met) love the English people ..... but i guess in your eyes im anti-english!


As for Joke McConnell, well im certainly no fan of his, but that is NOT what he said at all, and for once i think he has actually said some decent stuff on the matter .... let people support who they want!


What nonsense! :rolleyes:

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Funny Jim - I EXPECTED the whole "Andy Murray is representing the UK" thing - that is utter nonsense too. If he were to win Wimbledon we would claim him as our own. and you know it. Either way though just why SHOULD the English support him ??? They have the freedom to support whoever they like !!!!!


You sure Jack McConnell never said it ? I was sure I read him quoted as saying such a thing but I stand corrected it it isn't so - or is his "support who you want" that you say he said a back-tracking statement ?


What are you talking about with suggesting I think you are anti-English - read my post again and read your own again Jim - I mentioned anti-English in reference to a statement of supporting everyone BUT England - you said you aren't supporting England - very subtle difference between that and simply NOT supporting ONE team.


The English saying they won't support Murray is no different to him saying he won't support them - don't hide him behind the "representing the UK" bullshit.


We will agree to disagree no doubt - and I won't label your post utter nonsense because no matter what you think of mine, I will respect your opinion, no matter how much I disagree with it.

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Jim, if people are free to support who ever they want at football, surely the same rule applies to tennis.... :rolleyes:


As for Joke McConnells and Andy Murrays comments, these were made before the English media responded. They were responding to the 'anti-English' comments of Murray and McConnell.


As for the mhedia, have you read people like McNees and Leckies comments regarding the English? The gutter press in both countries are as bad as each other.


As for your vote for independance, good for you, if it takes a vote away from Labour I am more that happy for you - and the SNP need all the votes they can get at the moment.


However, this takes away from what has actually happened here. A 7-year old kid and a disabled man have been attacked by vile, racist scumbags - end of story.


Cammym F

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Why SHOULD they support Andy Murray ? He isn't supporting their national team (the only home nation in the tournament) - so why should they support a Scotsman at Wimbledon ? I can't say I blame them for taking that stance. Surely your only complaint is that the question was asked ? It still is an innocent question IMO.



As a Rangers fan you can vote for whoever you like - IMO politics and football allegiance are two different issues. regarding your "anti-scottishness" comment... to put the shoe on the other foot.... is Andy Murray not being "anti-English" with his response ? Or what about our First Minister with his "i will support everyone that plays against England" comment ? Anti-English ? YES, in my opinion.



The reason why the question should never have been asked is very clear - Tennis players go into tournaments as British players. ALL OF THEM. It has nothing to do with seperate National identities within the UK. I personally couldn't give a fook if no one in England supports Andy Murray, and I feel he doesn't either - but if he gets to the latter stages or heaven forbid, wins the thing then I have a little feeling they will be all there with there UJ flags shouting his praises.


There are different football associations in this country, but within many sports there are not. Another reason why there is no British football team.

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The reason why the question should never have been asked is very clear - Tennis players go into tournaments as British players. ALL OF THEM. It has nothing to do with seperate National identities within the UK. I personally couldn't give a fook if no one in England supports Andy Murray, and I feel he doesn't either - but if he gets to the latter stages or heaven forbid, wins the thing then I have a little feeling they will be all there with there UJ flags shouting his praises.


Whoa .... that's common sense and pure logic there, Wija ..... you better watch your back too :D

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Waste of time having a reasoned discussion in here, this place is full of 'Rule Britannia-ites' - I'll probably get banned if i dare argue against the UK! :rolleyes:


Jim, with all due respect, and being an admin, I think it highly unlikely, that you would get banned for having a differing opinion from others.


Actually, really disappointed that you think that would happen..


Cammy F

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I'd like to think it wouldnt, but i've always had the opinion that there are certain opinions that you are not allowed to express on a Rangers board, and believing that Scotland would be better off independent is one of those!


We seem to have this idea that 99% of our support are dyed in the wool unionists, but i think the actual figure would be more of a surprise. I've always been proud enough to call myself both British and Scottish in the past, but i've just had enough of the anti-scottish agenda now, and i want out (oh, and before you say again, i hate the likes of Leckie too, shouldnt get a platform in the press - but at least it's only Scotland wide, not national!)

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