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Sellick players chased for £5k bar bill

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CELTIC stars refused to stump up for a £5,000 bar tab from the venue of a Bhoys’ night out — because they deny it’s theirs.


Scott Allan, Carlton Cole,Stefan Johansen and Kieran Tierney are being chased for the bill by bosses at swanky Drama Park Lane, in Mayfair, London, who claim they legged it without paying.


It includes Dom Perignon Rosé champagne and up to £2,000 of tequila.


But the Hoops pals insist it has nothing to do with them.


One source revealed last night: “The lads are saying, ‘No chance.’


“They are adamant it’s not their bill. If they were liable, they would pay it.”


The celeb haunt’s management sent Parkhead chiefs a list of 10 revellers they reckon are liable for the debt.


But the insider added: “The club didn’t even know who most of them were.


“Apart from the four Celtic stars, the rest weren’t players and had no connection to the team.


“Suddenly a bill came through to pay for drinks the boys say they didn’t consume and didn’t order.


“Maybe the other names on the list are from another party which was in at the same time.”



The teammates headed south to let their hair down just hours after their 2-1 Premiership defeat by Motherwell at Celtic Park on December 19.


They visited Drama Park Lane but it is understood they claim they only stayed inside the venue for a few minutes.


Bosses at the nightclub traced them after they used their driving licences as ID at the door.


It was claimed Cole went back on an agreement to settle the tab — but pals of the ex-England star insist he never said he would.


Last night, sources close to the nightclub said the Hoops stars were to blame.


One said: “Most of the team were down for their Christmas do.


“It was a big night out and they were already tipsy when they arrived at the nightclub.”


The insider claimed the booze flowed freely, adding: “They started to get quite annoying. They were surrounded by lots of girls.


“Slowly they started to filter out and left the club by probably around 3am.


“After having such a good time, the players then ran off without paying the bar bill. They seem to think they’re above the law.”


A Celtic spokesman last night said: “This is in no way a matter for the club.”


Drama Park Lane declined to comment.




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