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tackling, refs ,and fanny merchants .

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After watching arsenal v Chelsea yesterday and it was a decent game but the ref sends of the arsenal centre half for a foul replay showed no contact so the big Chelsea man is another fanny merchant an actor trying and getting a fellow player sent off in my old eyes there is nothing worse.

But to my surprise I was listening to one ref this morning saying he was sent off for intent is this what its come to intent he never touched him ref what next getting sent of for looking angry .

I am just back from hospital and full of drugs so any spelling mistakes or lack of grammar pleas forgive.

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I only saw the last 10 minutes yesterday unfortunately.


I am hearing from a Man U supporting colleague this morning that apparently Costa was up to his usual nonsense yesterday. Why a quality player has to act like a tit is beyond me !!

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Hope you're fit soon, Como. There are plenty of folk wandering the streets full of drugs without the excuse of havng been in hospital.


If I take a swing at you in the pub but I miss I still get done for attempted assault. The tackle looked to be reckless rather than intentional but still worth the sending off.

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It was only clear from the replay that there was no contact. At full speed it looked a certainty. Diving and 'drawing the foul' are ubiquitous in the modern game, for good or bad. However, what on earth is Mertasacker playing at? Lunging into a last-ditch tackle when he's the last man, when he has no chance of getting the ball? Would it not have been better to lose a goal but retain 11 men? Mertasacker is at fault. I always agreed with Gary Neville's analysis of these situations: don't dive in, because the player is going to go down; stay on your feet.

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