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Ronny Deila thinks Celtic would be like Real Madrid and Barcelona with Premier League

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For attractiveness as a city to live in, or probably more importantly, "near", I think Glasgow ranks above Manchester and well above Liverpool.


England is a strange country in that there is only one attractive large city and that's London. The rest are industrial and underinvested due to London being highly subsidised - with hidden and indirect subsidies. It makes for a very lopsided country where there is only one real destination for foriegners.


Scotland with all it's faults rises above the mainly industrial English cities which are mainly surrounded by large, depressing towns, in massive contrast to the countryside surround the much more pleasant larger cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, which I would also say are generally more cosmopollitan.


The unattractiveness our country is more to do with the lack of money and the standard of the league IMO. In the fantasy a Brittish league, and stretching that to say with a larger, merged Edinburgh team in the Premiership, I think we'd attract players more easily than most after money and chances of success are equalised, and so where environment becomes a factor.


However, I think you can look to Newcastle and Sunderland to see that just having a large support and plenty of Sky cash, does not automatically make you successful.


But then maybe that when it comes back to who would want to live there? It is surpising how they underperform (although Ashley is another factor).


You also have to wonder how much advangage our greater support would bring - for money to spend I don't think it would be much, firstly due to the 90m+ from TV which dwarfs gates receipts, and secondly we'd still have to charge less than the likes of Spurs which would even up the disparity in numbers.


So it would be all about the 12th man, which doesn't seem to help in the English NE.


It's therefore difficult to guess how well we'd do, and you just have to look at Leicester to see that it's all unpredictable.

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On the reverse side it will be interesting if the Spanish clubs started to fairly share the finances there. Barca and Real take home about 90% of money distributed which means the others cant compete, however Valencia and Atletico M have done reasonably well.

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