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New fans group

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The peoples front of judea

If the new group isn't called that then the first splinter group from it surely has to be!


However, good luck to the new group, whatever the name. Lord alone knows it's long overdue to have one group concerned about the football club rather than many groups concerned about fan groups

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On the face of it an amalgamation is a good idea but quite frankly I couldn't care less what it gets called.


It's what it does and how effective it is are the criteria it should be judged on.


It must not be too close to the board & be prepared to ask pertinent questions for starters like how we're going to fund playing squad improvements for our return to the top flight next season. And it should be prepared to challenge the pondlife in the mhedia and their biased reporting. It should also question the SFA & SPFL and the Rangers-hating individuals who inhabit these organisations.


There are lots of benefits from this if we can use this amalgamation to speak as one voice effectively

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