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Rangers First vote to offer club £500,000 loan

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This whole process was mismanaged, and to be fair, embarrassing; with too many presumptions. However, there's nothing sinister there -- RF genuinely want to help -- but just messed up on this occasion. They'll learn from this, and hopefully implement a better process next time.


Transparency is a tricky issue. In principle one would want all members to know what's going on, and for an organisation to be honest and up-front. But, one doesn't want every Tom, Dick and Harry knowing all the in's and out's. It can lead to the unveiling of every little problem/issue and damage confidence, while giving ammunition to enemies, but can also be the means to correcting these problems. It's a fine line, made even more difficult in a modern, social media society.

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Rangers First will still be getting my Direct Debit every month, they mismanaged what in my opinion was a sound idea, wanting to help the club in it's hour of need.


We'll come back to this soon, the club as all clubs in Scotland do, need more money, Rangers has the biggest untapped source of revenue seams in Scotland, in the form of soft loans, cash for equity or straight cash for assets. The big financial players like DK, 3bear's etc have put up the most money so far, but how many times can the club keep going back to that well?


The support seem the most logical people to turn to for that extra help, most supporters put their cash in for no personal return, however we as a group or community need our share of Ownership, i'm not looking for sole ownership as i think that is an unrealistic goal, however having a quarter or half share ownership of the club is better then none, and it's a realistic target.

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