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Rangers fans set to open Ibrox shop...

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... as Sports Direct stand-off continues.


RANGERS fans will open their own shop ahead of the Championship clash with Morton as the Light Blue legions continue to boycott official merchandise outlets.


Tensions between the Gers board and Sports Direct chief Mike Ashley have risen significantly in recent weeks and months after the businessman launched a series of legal moves against the Ibrox hierarchy.


On Thursday, Ashley failed in a bid to have King jailed at the High Court in London over an interview he conducted in South Africa earlier this year.


The Rangers Supporters Trust will now give fans a chance to buy Gers-themed items at the school across from Ibrox at lunchtime, and the scheme could be rolled out to other organisations to raise funds for the club.


Profits from the sales will be used to invest in a future share issue as fans look for a way to plough money into Ibrox without handing over their cash to Ashley.


A series of protests have been launched against the businessman in recent times and last month the RST claimed Rangers received just 50p from every £10 spent on Gers merchandise as part of the infamous Sports Direct deal.


The settlement of the £5million loan to Ashley will see Rangers’ key assets like Murray Park and Edmiston House returned to the club and mean the Newcastle United owner will no longer have control over their registered trademarks.


But furious fans will still refuse to hand over their cash for official Gers merchandise while the controversial contracts with Sports Direct remain in place.


An RST spokesman told SportTimes: “I think fans are well aware of the situation with Sports Direct and the problems for Rangers. Buying official merchandise helps nobody but Mike Ashley.


“If you want to see your money going towards the club, this is one option open to you and people are becoming more aware of ways which they can give money to Rangers.


“Nothing we can do will be as cost effective as a retailer like Sports Direct. We can’t buy in bulk or spend money buying in lots of stock.


“But we are selling t-shirts for £20 and generating £10 of profit that will go into Rangers. That compares spectacularly favourably with the pittance Rangers receive from official merchandise at the moment.


“This is a good way of getting money into Rangers, but also demonstrates how bad the merchandise situation is at the moment.


“Hopefully we can show that the appetite is there amongst the fans. The message has got through to people that buying official merchandise is not helping Rangers.


“The next message is that this is an alternative way for you to buy Rangers related merchandise but ensure that you are helping the club as well. Hopefully it will lead to us being able to do something on a larger scale.”



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This plan does not put money into Rangers immediately, rather it increases RST's share total eventually. According to Gilligan the next share issue will be in the medium to long term.

Surely in the short term more direct benefit to Rangers would be the purchase of game tickets, RTVtv subscriptions and rising star tickets etc.

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This plan does not put money into Rangers immediately, rather it increases RST's share total eventually. According to Gilligan the next share issue will be in the medium to long term.

Surely in the short term more direct benefit to Rangers would be the purchase of game tickets, RTVtv subscriptions and rising star tickets etc.


That's what the LiondBrand do. Could be they could get together with others e.g. SOS and make this more permanent.

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Watch Rangers legend Ian Ferguson back RST shop as fans 'buy direct' and take a stand against Mike Ashley






Pic lifted from FF



Edited by buster.
to add pic
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