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Brunton Park, Carlisle Under Water

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I am sure we have all been saddened by the devastating images we have seen from Cumbria over the past few days and whilst I am sure that football is the furthest thing from the minds of the good folk down there these images of Brunton Park show just how bad it is and how long it might take to get back to normal.






Just imagine if the Clyde burst its banks and the water came flowing down Paisley Road West.


I don't think there's anything we can do that would make a significiant difference to the people themselves, even the Government's £50 million looks like a drop in the proverbial bucket right now; but I was wondering about a wee collection for the Football Club?


I would be happy to start it off with a tenner and could collect the donations in a similar account to the Gersner Dinner Fund. I'm sure we could quickly raise £500 -£1,000 just as a gesture of solidarity in a football sense.


Apologies if I'm out of order with this.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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