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"Integrity" makes a comeback.

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  ian1964 said:
Chris Graham ‏@ChrisGraham76 4h4 hours ago

Here is SNP councillor @BillNorAngus falsely accusing Rangers of "illegal" behaviour.




Clown of a man. If it were illegal someone would be getting prosecuted. No one has been charged AFAIK.

Which team does SNP Bill support I wonder? My guess is Dundee Hibernian

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  calscot said:
Maybe we should also ask them the hypothetical question about their soft loans from the Coop Bank - At the moment Celtic believe they are legit and there is no decision to say they are not (although is it not being investigated?), BUT supposing in the future, there is a decision that they were providing an unfair financial advantage, in light of that, would Celtic be happy to give up all titles accumulated while they were in effect?


This is no different to the scenario that Rangers found themselves in. We don't know if Celtic will be found to have had an advantage, but "common sense" suggests they obviously were. But the question is, IF it's found to be illegitimate are they happy that they have the sporting integrity to immediately hand over their titles to the runner up?


I very much doubt they'll agree to that. They would protest their innocence while not having the faith in their innocence to say taking the titles is fine.


There is only one club in Scotland that continually shows that it has an interest in consistent justice for all. For the rest it's "if it's Rangers punish them hard, but not if it's us".


This is a good point. They should be asked how they managed to get these Co-op bank loans at such a low interest rate. And who arranged them & the security on them.

EBT's were there for anyone who wished to use them. These Co-op bank loans weren't. I hope our club's next statement goes nuclear and mentions these Co-op bank loans.

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Lifted from FF:


markymark13 View Post

Either the club or the trust should point out "while preferring not to comment on other clubs business" we will take no lectures on morality, illegality or integrity from a club who allowed child rapists to ply their evil on the very children parents entrusted to it's care, who then blackmailed, bribed and bullied the chikdren and parents for years to avoid the scandal coming out, who used EBT's themselves but did NOT openly declare them until the HMRC case against Murray International broke in the press, who shamefully hid behind the death of a very very former player to get a game postponed for their own sporting advantage, who invented a non existant trip mid season to Japan to sabotage a Scottish club's Uefa cup bid, who continue to receive support from highly unethical soft loans from the Co-op bank despite it's near collapse into bankruptcy, and who's directors and shareholders for years defrauded the Customs of Vat on fiddled attendance figures, and who recently through directors, manager's and players participated in what the Supreme Court ruled were unlawful tax evasion schemes in the film industry. Our position remains the same our disbelief at the bare faced cheek of a club, directors, shareholders and supporters who preach sporting integrity yet have such a record.

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In regard to title striping and cheating. Cheating is a pre meditated deliberate braking of the rules in order to gain an advantage over a competitor, such as Lance Armstrong.


Can someone please explain where Rangers have broken the rules that have lead to us cheating and which rules were they?


EBTs were legal, there is no rule in the SPL/SFA rule book that states a club cannot look to minimise it's tax liability. The hearing last week did not conclude EBTs to be illegal, just that tax should be paid.


The side letter issue was dealt with by Lord Nimmo Smith who concluded it was an administration error and we got fined £250,000, but it was confirmed no sporting advantage.


The way I see it is quite simple Rangers have broken no rules and therefore cannot be accused of cheating.


The SPFL/SPL/SFA are powerless as no rules have been broken and they cannot retrospectively change the rules to punish Rangers as that would show their hatred of all things Rangers, which of course we know to be true, but even they cannot be as brazen!

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  Craigie said:

The SPFL/SPL/SFA are powerless as no rules have been broken and they cannot retrospectively change the rules to punish Rangers as that would show their hatred of all things Rangers, which of course we know to be true, but even they cannot be as brazen!


I wish I shared your confidence mate. Changing the rules will not stop them from going all out to take away our honours. If there is no appeal or we lose the final round of the BTC I for one am in no doubt they WILL strip us of leagues and cups.

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I can see them bowing to the pressure, but the reality is there have been no rules broken. Let them try, King had better be good to his word and fight it. I think his words were so strong as he knows this and so do they. In reality they cannot just do what a bunch of Rangers hating ignorant twats want! No rules have been broken, just remember that and the next time someone calls us cheats ask what rules we've broke. You will get we bought players we could not afford. That is not a rule, all clubs borrow money! Then it will be tax dodging with an illegal scheme. No, it's not illegal and it's everyone's right to minimise their tax liability. They have nothing mate, in time we will laugh at this when we lift number 55!

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You're right. They're chasing Rangers for the tax, not the players. Would that mean that the players would have come anyway?


Another point. Each time Rangers played during the EBT years there were 5 or 6 players on the field who didn't have an EBT. Are they to have their medals taken?

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