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Mike Ashley steps up battle with Rangers...

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I will be there tomorrow showing my support for the club against the fat man. It's great to see everyone uniting against SD and Fat Mike. He might not care about the protest in the slightest but the media attention it will provide will surely scar him.

I wouldn't give the man the steam aff ma pish.

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Heard a suggestion of stink bombs out of Tam Shepherd's joke shop (rancid they are!!) - One of them going off at peak times across the country in certain retail outlets. That would really be a shame and cause a bit of chaos trying to get rid of the smell and all that. We wouldn't want that would we? Especially over a sustained period, and so difficult to find the culprit. That would be unfair on any hardworking shop owner.

No absolutely wouldn't want that! :P Would make good telly though.

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He cant win in the long run,he knows this.

He hates it but knows its a fact,hes trying to cause as much damage as he can before hes ultimately defeated. We will win,how long it takes is the real question.


As well as the SD contracts I can't help thinking the Puma deal is bad too.

How much are we getting upfront as a 'royalty payment' ?

AFAIK the yahoos are getting something like £5m or £6m from NB. For a team out of their depth in the EL.

what do we get from Puma?

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