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Gersnet named again as an FBA finalist - BUT....

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... due to the inclusion of malicious, inaccurate blogs such as Phil Mac Giolla Bháin and Scottish Football Monitor, as well as forums such as Kerrydale Street that permit sectarian language, I am having to consider our position in the process.


I don't see how the award organisers/judges can square the inclusion of our site as a forum finalist while other finalists refer to you and I as the Klan and huns.


I'm waiting to hear back from them on all the above.


In the meantime, thanks to everyone who has voted for us already.

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Well done on getting named as a finalist again mate, but it's definitely very disappointing to see the inclusion of blogs run by obsessed, deluded and poisonous crackpots like Phil Mac Giolla Bháin & The Clumpany.

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This forum is comparatively small, but continually punches far above it's weight. After eight years, I am still mildly surprised when I hear/see//read something on main stream media that began as a cultivated acorn on Gersnet. I shouldn't be, even some of the transient members have been most worthwhile contributors.


Reference the listing as a FBA finalist, most worthy and much deserved. However, the inclusion of Donegal's Moutain Rescue volunteer(true); is akin to the Rangers Tax Case Blog being a recipient of the Orwell Prize. Now, after the ruling of two high profile court cases(and a third expected), who on main stream media continues to lionise that particular stream of invective?


Let's stay clean.

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Guest House Of Baelish

I've been lurker of this forum for years. This is by far the best Rangers forum out there as the phrase " quality over quantity " comes to mind.

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I've been lurker of this forum for years. This is by far the best Rangers forum out there as the phrase " quality over quantity " comes to mind.


Glad you came out of the closet!:D

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I would assume that these blogs and websites were entered by certain people who then ask their kin and sub-kin to vote for them. If there are no real guidelines with regards to standards and legality, the results are obviously doomed to end up like another slinging contest between certain "tribes", rather than being a reflection of quality and content.

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