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The 55th is coming - let's play our part

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It may only be the first week in September but it's been a great start to the new season under Mark Warburton. A record-equalling eight wins in a row, thirty goals scored and an exciting brand of free-flowing football that Rangers fans have bought into in incredible numbers. Indeed, two capacity crowds at Ibrox already and a huge travelling support in their thousands means the new manager and his players must be approaching games with the kind of confidence our nearest competitors can only dream of.


Despite this positive start on the pitch, off-field matters at the club are never far away this decade. And it's fair to say such issues have fractured fan relationships and given the rest of us the kind of consistent headache that has often made following our team more of a chore than a hobby. After all, as much as elements of the Scottish media like to dehumanise the Rangers support, that's what the vast, vast majority of our fans want to do - just go to the game each week and support their team. We had no part to play in what decisions were made in the boardroom. Our fans didn't take tax risks, didn't play fast and loose with our financing and certainly haven't been arrested or charged with serious law offences. Yet still some journalists want to blame us for backing the team regardless.


Indeed, this is a key point and has perhaps been lost amongst the different regime debris post-2011. Yes, of course our fans have defended subsequent owners and directors despite some dodgy actions. In that sense, perhaps some criticism is fair and we have to accept and learn from that. However, upwards of 35,000 bears don't buy season tickets to support Whyte, Green or even King but just to support the team. Sure, some fans will dip their toes into the political pool from time to time but it's unfair to generalise over our intentions and actions. We just want to follow follow - the same as most football supporters across the world. With that in mind, the suggestions that the fans are somehow to blame for the last four or five years or should show contrition are nonsensical. As a club (or company), various owners may have risked their personal reputation over aspects of how it was run but the fans are innocent bystanders. And, as it stands, it remains to be seen just how accurately the club per se can be judged as well.


With that in mind, just how premature were some actions during the administration debacle of 2012? As the police investigation continues apace, one wonders how appropriate some of the censures and restrictions placed upon the club and newco of the time? Bizarre five way agreements, transfer bans, six figure fines, and ring-fencing of cash for creditors seem so distant now but just how valid were these punishments at the time. Moreover, did force majeure play its part then and how much of a part will it have going forward? Let's remember some commentators accused Rangers of 'industrial-scale cheating' yet the SPL's own commission chaired by Lord Nimmo Smith said no sporting advantage was ever gained. Meanwhile HMRC have still failed to persuade any court that Rangers' tax minimisation efforts were illegal. As such, currently, (outwith huge legal costs) BDO may well be able to declare a surplus vis-à-vis the liquidation process of the oldco. In short, it may well be there was no need for Rangers to enter administration and it can be argued much of the various accusations, punishments and angst directed towards the club have been misplaced.


Considering all the above, Rangers fans have every right to not be the ones apologising but should be apologised to. As BBC journalist Tom English said on social media recently our support 'has been royally shafted, no question' but there's been precious little sympathy as a rule. Yes for every illegal action by nefarious individuals, there have been mistakes by people we trusted. Guys like Whyte, Green and Whitehouse may be the ones in court but it's difficult to reconcile that people like McCoist, Smith and Malcolm Murray couldn't have done more in the background. Don't let me get started on Sir David either... However, there's a big difference between honest mistakes and alleged criminal subterfuge. We can only hope the latter is suitably punished - whatever and whoever the source.


In the meantime, as much as we have every right to examine what happened previously, Rangers fans now have to look forward. A new regime may be in place and while confident strides have been taken on the field so far, there's a lot of work to do off the park as well. Debate over commercial contracts agreed in the period discussed above will be ongoing but this only cements the fact we need to support the club in numbers aside of any retail disagreements. Buying match tickets remains the club's main revenue source and that's a constant we must maintain. Similarly while previous share issues under David Murray and Charles Green may recall cynicism rather than pride, any future issue and open offer must be subscribed to well. Playing our part in fan group share schemes will help enormously and I urge every support to consider joining Rangers First and/or Buy Rangers. The bigger joint holding fans have, the more responsibility we can assume going forward. As Scottish football struggles to finance its declining profile, we have to take the early initiative in exploring alternative methods of fund-raising.


In actual fact, that's where the hurt and pain of the last few years should be used most effectively. Of course we have the right to hold any perpetrators to account but the best way of reacting to this week's news is to say never again. And the best way to do that is to take a genuine part in the club's decision-making. So called 'Rangers-men' may well be in charge now but whatever their intention the rank and file fans must have a seat at the table. We deserve this. We must be given a genuine say. No excuses.


This Saturday Ibrox will again be filled with the best part of 50,000 Rangers fans. Not everyone is interested in owning shares and not everyone wants to discuss the club's politics but these people still deserve to be represented honestly and fairly. This has to start in the Rangers boardroom but those who run Scottish football and those who comment on it, also need to rethink how they've analysed recent years. Fair criticism is agreeable - a necessity even - but it must be offered with an integrity (sporting or otherwise) that has been missing throughout.


Finally some claim Rangers have died or will never be the same again. The daily attention placed upon us says otherwise while our successes will forever be ingrained upon Scottish sport. Rangers Football Club - the institution - remains and our magnificent stadium still imposes its incredible history upon us all. The club and its fans may not be perfect but who is? Yes, we may have to win the Championship first and we may not win the Premiership immediately either but the 55th is coming and it will be celebrated with a widespread joy that has never been seen for decades in Scotland. The expectation and excitement is becoming more tangible with each passing day. The bear is stirring.


Can you feel it...?

Edited by Frankie
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Fully agree on the whole with your article Frankie, but what happened to us under the care of the SFA was and still is scandalous. Aslo the old SPL clubs stealing our prize monies and the dodgy 5 way agreement was equally scandalous, verging criminal. It's an open sore with the support, unless that is redressed by damages/ reparations, we can't move on.


The club need to understand the supporters feelings on this or there could be serious recrimination going forward.

Edited by aweebluesoandso
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Fully agree on the whole with your article Frankie, but what happened to us under the care of the SFA was and still is scandalous. Aslo the old SPL clubs stealing our prize monies and the dodgy 5 way agreement was equally scandalous, verging criminal. It's an open sore with the support, unless that is redressed by damages/ reparations, we can't move on.


The club need to understand the supporters feelings on this or there could be serious recrimination going forward.


Sure but as much as we need reparation where appropriate, the here and now is more important. Only with a resurgent, united Rangers can we be strong enough to take on such challenges.

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It's truly wonderful that Tom acknowledges our shafting, I wonder when Tom will shine a light into the dark corner of all those administering the royal shafting?


The club had been dealing from a continuous position of weakness for a decade, the maelstrom of allegations reference, "financial doping" being practiced, "industrial scales" became a strategy that overwhelmed. It became the accepted wisdom, the Rangers Tax Case Blog drove the agenda for 2-3 years. Spence, Spiers, Cosgrove, Delahunt, ...... et al worshiped at the altar and parroted the scripture. They legitimised the RTCB by ensuring it received the 'Orwell Prize' for revealing Rangers owed £200million.


When the RTCB disappeared into the ether overnight, in light of the first ruling on the case; the usual suspects were seamless in screaming for CONTRITION. We MUST accept our guilt, even though we had been found Not Guilty. Recently, I heard Cosgrove chide a regular contributor to his BBC Scotland show; making reinforcing comforting remarks about face painters, florists, and newsagents, "och, ye're no still going on about that, we've moved on". Big Stu' knows they participated in a blood lust, he hopes it's in the past and there it will remain.


As Rangers supporters, we must ensure Big Stu' and his ilk are reminded of discomfort; take that contrition and work it up their collective jacksies.

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Brilliantly written Frankie, beautifully encapsulated what so many of us think and believe. Re 26th of foot's comments, I think we would all love to see the SFA show some contrition and apologise to Rangers, but I wont be holding my breathe!

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Sure but as much as we need reparation where appropriate, the here and now is more important. Only with a resurgent, united Rangers can we be strong enough to take on such challenges.


Agree again Frankie, only from a position of strength can we take on those who wished us harm. I am already following your advice and trying my best to help the club to healthy revitalisation. I recently bought a season ticket and take my two nephews to the home games, purchased a years worth of Rangers lottery tickets. If i could i would sign up to a membership scheme putting money directly into Rangers projects. I'm not looking for praise, my reward will be a financially secure club. All i hope is that the club to show some strength when dealing with our detractors .

Edited by aweebluesoandso
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