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Rugby Park Jam Packed Full...

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...of stickers and empty seats.




While the game in Scotland gets a boost with news of Rangers attracting almost 50,000 fans to watch a game of football in the 2nd tier on a Friday evening with the game shown live on BT Sports, the so called top division 'game of the night' reveals a quite different story.

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I have a feeling that Celtic fans are still boycotting Kilmarnock for the temerity of abstaining on voting us out the league... Other clubs feared this which contributed to us being voted out, meaning Celtic rigged the voting. Every title they win without us in the league is basically down to this cheating.


Ironically they would probably have won them with us in the league due to the board we had, but tainted titles is the Celtic way.

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PS You really have to wonder what the boards of the clubs must be thinking these days when they look at their balance sheets. They are missing one or two games where Rangers fans filled their grounds, Celtic fans are not filling the stadiums anymore either, some are going from a guaranteed three OF paydays, to a watered down one, the TV and sponsorship money has been slashed, and their own fans interest in what must be the most boring and predictable league in the world has diminished.


They have put our national game in the toilet with our supposed top clubs easily disposed in Europe by unheard of clubs from the back of beyond. Aberdeen once won the Cup Winners Cup and Super Cup, now look at them.

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When Accies went up the season before last they made a big impression hitting top place in the Premiership at one stage, losing their manager to Norwich saw them bomb into mediocrity though.


Hearts this season already sit at the top (ok only 3 games) winning all their games and cruising most of the time just like Hamilton previously.


If the Edinburgh club can hold on to their manager for the rest of the season they will achieve European qualification for 2016-17 through a top 4 finish easily.


When (not if) we go up this year I'm confident we too will hit top spot in that league but have a more realistic chance of holding on to it for much longer than Accies or Hearts.

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I have a feeling that Celtic fans are still boycotting Kilmarnock for the temerity of abstaining on voting us out the league... Other clubs feared this which contributed to us being voted out, meaning Celtic rigged the voting. Every title they win without us in the league is basically down to this cheating.


Ironically they would probably have won them with us in the league due to the board we had, but tainted titles is the Celtic way.


Don't know if it's Killie they are boycotting or just their own team on the road. Here's the crowd from Partick in the previous match.



Scottish Premier at Firhill Stadium

Date: 09/08/2015 KO: 12:30 Ref: Att: 7,088





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Now they have Scott Allen the stands will be flowing over. Season ticket sails will be increased by thousands.


How many ST holders have the yahoos actually got?

Me thinks there's a seville calculator at work here or they've got tens of thousands who buy ST's but don't go to games

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