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We Will Remember The Somme

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You must ask why someone, particularly in a Rangers site, would even try to denigrate the sacrirfice and memory of what our "sons" gave.

War is awful, no sensible person honours or even tries to dignify the horrors of it, but to insult the memory of those who innocently gave their tomorrow for our today, is an abomination.


Well said Barca72

It is truly an insult to their memory.


People are entitled to hold strong opinions and war - along with objecting to it conscientiously - clearly invokes emotions from everyone associated with it.


However, there is a time and place for arguing about the rights and wrongs of such subjects and this type of thread is not the place.

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I can't see why pointing out the context of the sacrifice denigrates it.


Again, of course the context should (and indeed must) be remembered to to avoid similar tragedies but this thread is solely about remembering those who died so I can understand why some would find the earlier comments crass or offensive.


There's plenty more forum space for any sensible discussion about how wrong war or conscription is without taking over simple tributes to those that we'll hopefully never have to emulate.

Edited by Frankie
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I don't disagree.


Even though I still don't see how the context, of even mention of it, devalues the sacrifice to the extent that it becomes an 'insult to the memory', it plainly annoys the hell out of some so probably best left at that.

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