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Alistair McCoist MBE

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How many times do people need to say this? His salary carried over from his contract which was signed before our old company's administration and before we were unjustly thrown out of our league by the SPL Clubs who voted on our future.


One other thing to keep in mind. When Green took over he may have fell flat on his face if it was not for Ally giving the fans the go-ahead to support Green. Without Ally we may not have had a club, we were so suspicious after White.

As Zappa says the contract was a carry over from past times. I'll stick with the "We don't do walking away" bit and pay the man his money. I'm pretty sure we won't be doing any contracts like this again for a while.

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Ally never had a contract from the oldco as we went into liquidation. All contracts were terminated. Think youl find its greens name who signed his contract.


My biggest gripe about McCoist? He wasnt man enough to admit he was a failue as a manager and admit defeat. Had he done so at an earlier stage our team might not be in the state it is now.


His remit was to build a team that would be fit for the spfl over our 3 year absence whilst winning the leagues along the way. We even talked about winning a scottish or league cup along the way.


His "we dont do walking away" statement has cost the club dear. I remember some one saying on this site that they hope it doesnt come back to haunt him. It has with a vengance.


DK has already stated that it will cost 30 million to compete with celtic. This is allys legacy. Hes set us back years and has done as much damage on the park as the old board did off it.


I wish people would stop making excuses for him. I dont doubt he had the best intentions but in the end the job on and off the park was just too big for him.

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My gripe with Ally is not the rebuilding after liquidation but his role in the times before. Why when we were playing European football did he only start training 2 weeks prior. Malmo were well into their season when we played them. I am not defending Ally but just trying to put all arguments on the table. After Liquidation many were saying we should start from scratch and go with youth. Now I have seen most of the youth team over the last few weeks and I can fully understand that Ally thought the youth were nowhere near ready to play with hardened Pro's and Sheils Daly Mohsni and Black etc were better options. Why Sheils, Daly and Black became such ineffective players under his coaching is a mystery to me. I think Ally's biggest fault is his underestimating of fitness levels. The game against Malmo proved that and the big difference that McCall has made is imho making the players far fitter. Their work rate is far higher and their desire to play a passing game has been much improved. Ally also played too much on trying to stop the other team playing instead of setting up the team to dominate the game.

I actually started trying to bring out the positives in his coaching but failed miserably.:)

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Ally never had a contract from the oldco as we went into liquidation. All contracts were terminated. Think youl find its greens name who signed his contract.


My biggest gripe about McCoist? He wasnt man enough to admit he was a failue as a manager and admit defeat. Had he done so at an earlier stage our team might not be in the state it is now.


His remit was to build a team that would be fit for the spfl over our 3 year absence whilst winning the leagues along the way. We even talked about winning a scottish or league cup along the way.


His "we dont do walking away" statement has cost the club dear. I remember some one saying on this site that they hope it doesnt come back to haunt him. It has with a vengance.


DK has already stated that it will cost 30 million to compete with celtic. This is allys legacy. Hes set us back years and has done as much damage on the park as the old board did off it.


I wish people would stop making excuses for him. I dont doubt he had the best intentions but in the end the job on and off the park was just too big for him.


All contracts were TUPE'd over from oldco to newco. Contracts werent terminated

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As far as the malmo game was concerned ill cut him some slack. Two experienced players got sent off for complete stupidity and cost us the game.


The turning point for McCoist was the day septic were down 3 nil to kilmarnock at half time. I listened with glee only for the cretins to pull it back. Later that day we were 1 nil up against st mirren. With 4 minutes to go he brought on KIrk Broadfoot who wandered out of position and let st mirren in to score at the the death.


That day promised so much but it proved to be the pivotal point in the demise of our club. One minute Neil Lennon was getting his p45 and we were going something like 18 points clear, the next we were in free fall.

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Ally never had a contract from the oldco as we went into liquidation. All contracts were terminated. Think youl find its greens name who signed his contract.


All contracts were TUPE'd over from oldco to newco. Contracts werent terminated


If Green signed Ally's most recent contract it would only be because the terms of Ally's original contract were renegotiated at some point.


As Rab says, all Rangers employee contracts were transferred over to the new company via TUPE, including Ally's.


What wouldn't surprise me at all is if Ally's original contract from the oldco was weighted more in the Club's favour than his current one and he deliberately renegotiated it with Green & co because he didn't trust them.

Edited by Zappa
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And also to be fair to McCoist, Green was always on about how much money we had, so his salary wasn't an issue for the first year or so.


It seemed like Ally's salary only became an issue when Green and his cronies burnt through all of the IPO cash and folk started demanding to know where it had all gone.

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