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THE SFA announced self-confessed Celtic fan Gary Hughes’ appointment to the board

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New SFA board member Gavin Hughes once revealed big ambition is for his son to play for Celtic


16:18, 28 April 2015

By Record Sport Online


THE media mogul is appointed to all-powerful Hampden council but he will NOT have any say in whether to pass Dave King as fit and proper.


THE SFA has today announced self-confessed Celtic fan Gary Hughes’ appointment to the board.


Hughes will become the ninth member of the Hampden chiefs’ all-powerful council.


In an interview with the Herald in 2004 media mogul Hughes revealed one of his ambitions was, "for my boy Gavin to play for Celtic''.


The board, which is currently sitting in judgment on whether to pass Dave King as fit and proper, already comprises the likes of president Campbell Ogilvie, chief exec Stewart Regan and powerful club bosses Peter Lawwell and Rod Petrie.


Hughes, however, will not take his place at Hampden until the SFA agm on June 9 which will be AFTER the King outcome has been declared.


Sporting integrity and conflicts of interest this is now getting beyond a joke. Scottish football is so unbalanced it could not even get the see-saw off the ground

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