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Keith Jackson: It's time Rangers supremo Dave King revealed his Ibrox masterplan

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Oh aye. He seemed a straight up kind of guy and I'm sure we were all taken by surprise when it turns out he was at it...


There were enough bad reports coming out of Newcastle, especially from Kevin Keegan about Liambliar.Can't say we weren't well warned again.

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That's fair enough but you seem to be asking about why it hasn't happened yet, when the answers are obvious - there are certain events which have to happen first and they will take time that DK has not much control over.




I don't have unyielding faith in him and although he has those convictions, to me it doesn't make him stand out any differently in the slightest from any very wealthy businessman. I believe that those as successful as him that haven't such convictions have just been luckier.


However, the thing I have a fair bit of confidence in is that he is the best solution for Rangers at this moment in time, and without him we were in a much, much darker place with the previous puppet masters. The situation seems to me like we've been rescued by a police unit from evil kidnappers, and then some are going on about some of their less than perfect service records...




There really isn't much of a bigger picture beyond the carnage of those previously in charge of the club. We really didn't have any other options at this time. Even the other candidates that have stepped in and supported King, and those on the sidelines that possibly had the power to do something but didn't - have backed him verbally.


Our choice was DK or Ashley; DK wins by a million light years. And we've also rid ourselves from a guy who actually did time.


But at the moment it's like the dice are in the middle of rolling and you're repeatedly asking why they haven't stopped and shown a certain number combination. The current answer has nothing to do with the outcome but instead having to explain Newton mechanics of collisions of two moving bodies in a gravitational field. Or in plain English: the dice are still rolling and we can't know the answer until they stop.


As DB says, DK has had criticism on here about his timing - although for me we have to be careful about that as he is much more adept at this than us. It could be like an armchair viewer (a long time ago) criticising Steve Ovette for staying in third place for a long time before making his move - or maybe about the timing of the likes of Cavendish for something more current.


Although business is more like a poker game, and it's folly to tell a top player how to play his cards, even if he loses a big pot.


Playing the game to win is not that easy. I've just experienced buying a used car and that's hard enough. Now I'm beating myself up as to whether getting £500 off the (reduced) sticker price is ok or pretty useless. I found that very stressful, but the stakes here for DK have been much higher, as has been the personal investment of time and effort.


So DK might not be the best guy in the world to take us on, but he's definitely the best guy in the world we have right now. But even if you disagree, criticising and questioning him for not doing things before it's even possible still seems a bit of a waste of time.


you say we rid ourselves of a guy who did time.

DK was an extremely lucky man not to be doing time in SA for 40 odd tax convictions unless I'm mistaken.

Or is that different ?

Anyway I'll leave this debate now. It's clear people such as yourself are unable to see beyond this man & his promises(50million, 30million or whatever)but don't say you've not been warned...............

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you say we rid ourselves of a guy who did time.

DK was an extremely lucky man not to be doing time in SA for 40 odd tax convictions unless I'm mistaken.

Or is that different ?

Anyway I'll leave this debate now. It's clear people such as yourself are unable to see beyond this man & his promises(50million, 30million or whatever)but don't say you've not been warned...............


Rab, that is untrue and you know it. We have differing views on him and no-one should run about claiming that his or her opinion is better or the true one. There is not only black and white out there in the real world.

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There is no relationship whatsoever between the two. The Court was dealing with a technicality over the names of the old and new companies, the SFA have specific F&P criteria and in any event are a law unto themselves as others would have it.


AIM would have been an even bigger hurdle but he managed to avoid that by being unable to find a NOMAD, he can't avoid the SFA if he wants to have control over the Club.


you know as well as I that is incorrect. He had found an Nomad, it was AIM who wouldn't let them proceed.

Edited by Little General
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Once DK becomes chairman and eventually invests whatever amount it is he(or one of his companies probably) has said they will then fine, I shall put my hands up and say I was proved wrong.

Your unyielding faith in this man astonishes me given his SARS convictions. Yes I know he's a Rangers man but I think there are times when I think you have to look beyond the fact that he is a Rangers supporter and see the bigger picture


What are his SARS convictions to do with trusting him to invest in Rangers ?


What is this bigger picture Rab ? Was he in cahoots with LBG to run us into ruin too ? :P

Edited by craig
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I agree with RAB most of the time and although, he, I, Bearman and a few others may be in a minority even a signifiicant minority on here does not make us wrong.


Nobody is forcing you to read RAB's posts or mine for that matter.


Continued ignoring of people pointing out his inaccuracies is called trolling.


If it isn't what calscot says with regards to King investing it is a continued conspiracy over LBG, despite being given more than enough information to show that it wasn't the case - he completely ignored the article that forlan posted the other week because it didn't sit with the agenda.


Likewise, just because you are in the minority doesn't mean you are correct either and I personally would hazard a guess that the majority of the time you guys are wrong. Your yourself got it incredibly wrong with Llambias & Leach (and, no, most of the info was absolutely NOT post EGM - that is revisionism). That is just one example of you getting it wrong.

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BTW, while much talk is about King and his money, is it not the case that the 3Bs and some others are not exactly "poor" either?


They have already ponied up 1.5 million though. They get some leeway.

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What are his SARS convictions to do with trusting him to invest in Rangers ?


What is this bigger picture Rab ? Was he in cahoots with LBG to run us into ruin too ? :P


Why was Easdale having a criminal record unacceptable but King having a criminal record acceptable?

Under the SA Statute of Limitations the State can resurrect the 300 + criminal charges he faced within the next 20 years and lets not forget some of these charges were fraud, money laundering, racketeering and many more offences.

Think this guy will pass the SFA FAPP ?

Also can you tell me why did King want the CVA rejected in 2012 during administration?

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