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Rangers delist from AIM

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The delisting probably does not matter to the ordinary Rangers supporter who has bought 500 shares mainly because I would suggest this fan buys the shares not as a traditional investment but for support and sentimental reasons.


If, however, you own a substantial bundles of shares, say for argument sake 9% of the share capital you might be a little concerned about who has sufficient resources to purchase your shares and at what price. To this extent your investment in this case is locked in to Rangers. I would have thought such an investor might then look for an exit strategy or compensation. On this we will have to wait and see.


The other issue that is now clearer is that funds for taking Rangers forward will have to come from individuals or organisations such as Rangers First. It is to be hoped that such supporters have sufficiently deep pockets


Unless DK has the funding we really are in the brown stuff now................

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The first point was a question and the emboldened quote that you highlight was merely mirroring the jibe at me by Dave P to whose post #15 I was replying.


So far as I am aware up to this point in time, King has not lent or invested any money in the Club.


I supported Llambias because of his cost cutting agenda which was necessary; naturally if I had known about the terms of the loan deals I would not have supported him; and indeed have said that he and Leach (if involved) should be held to account for those transactions and that the deals at least in respect of Bigirimana and Ferguson should be repudiated.


Upon enquiry, I do not believe there was ever any realistic prospect of King being acceptable under AIM rules and there were also questions over P Murray.


Therefore I stand by my opinion that King either made a serious error of judgement or deliberately deceived in terms of his intentions.


I agree that the word "guilty" is emotive and accept your admonition in that respect.


So the club lied in their RNS? I find that unacceptable and will be asking Paul Murray why he did so.


The prospective Nomad completed its checks on the "fit and proper" status of the existing and the proposed additional director of the Company and confirmed to the Company that it was satisfied on both fronts.

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A restriction for a period, on the fluidity at which shitehawk after shitehawk can gain influence over the club, seems to be no bad thing to me.


That said, I also agree with tannochsidebear in that we need to be diligent and not so willing to give our trust away unconditionally. I know others have expressed similar views.


Time for action to back up the words please!

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