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Jim McColl upbeat on Rangers' future

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So we're all agreed he got involved in trying to rescue the club on a number of occasions, which involved him spending his own money.


Well that's an vast improvement on him not wanting to spend his money and not lifting a finger. I'll rest my case.

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The bullshit billionaire when it comes to Rangers. And he can stuff his Nationalist ideas !




seems he's dropped Independence.


but calls for full fiscal autonomy for Scotland



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So we're all agreed he got involved in trying to rescue the club on a number of occasions, which involved him spending his own money.


Well that's an vast improvement on him not wanting to spend his money and not lifting a finger. I'll rest my case.


If the guy was a proper Rangers man he would not have stood by and let what happened, happen.


He has mega money and the fact that he did not dip into a small percantage of that to rescue Rangers properly was shameful. He could have blown other investors out the water, but he chose not to. If I had been in his position I would have ensured I used as much of my money as possible to get our club out of the mess and away from the stronghold of shysters.


He just mouths away from the sidelines whilst giving wishy washy excuses. He's no Rangers man/fan.

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Some direct and meaningful involvement from Jim McColl at some point in the future should be welcomed with open arms no matter what form it comes in.


He'd be a fine addition to the Rangers boardroom and any money he chooses to invest would be most welcome because we're going to be needing a lot of it.

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Some direct and meaningful involvement from Jim McColl at some point in the future should be welcomed with open arms no matter what form it comes in.


He'd be a fine addition to the Rangers boardroom and any money he chooses to invest would be most welcome because we're going to be needing a lot of it.


I am pretty confident the guy will never be involved with Rangers.

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You might end up being correct, but I certainly wouldn't bet on it.


None of us know for sure mate, but my strong hunch is that he'll never get involved in the way that he ought to.


He's entitled to do what he wants, but if he genuinely sees himself as a Rangers man, he'd step up to the plate and put his money where his mouth is. I just don't think he has it in him to do so when it comes to Rangers.

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