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Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths court case...

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...over alleged chanting of offensive song in pub is put back until April.


PROSECUTORS claim the striker joined Hibernian fans in singing a racist song about former Hearts Czech internationalist Rudi Skacel.


LEIGH Griffiths' court case surrounding his alleged chanting of an offensive song has been put off until April.


Prosecutors claim the striker joined Hibernian fans in singing a racist song about former Hearts Czech internationalist Rudi Skacel.


Video footage emerged of the former Hibs' striker allegedly singing the song in Edinburgh's Roseburn Bar before the Easter Road side's match with Hearts in March last year.


Papers lodged at Edinburgh Sheriff Court allege that Griffiths, 24, was charged with an offence under the *Offensive *Behaviour at *Football and Threatening *Communications Act.


Griffiths, from East- Lothian, is due to play for Celtic in tonight's (Wednesday) Scottish Cup replay against Dundee United.


The case against Griffiths was continued until April 15 for further inquiries. He was excused from attending court .



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Nothing about the song sung by Guidetti ? Not even anything from the SFA Compliance Officer about bringing the game into disrepute? Much more offensive I'd have thought from Guidetti buqt there ye go.....

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By the looks of it, Griffiths has now surpassed the Loovens scenario. Let's remember that for a moment. That is Loovens being red carded against us, when he essentially wrecked Edu on the park and getting him out for the rest of that season. Celtic appealed and the decision about the appeal was delayed. At the time the Yahoos were utterly lacking central defenders. It took them months (during which Loovens obviously played on) and well into the summer to make a decision on that challenge, Loovens retained his red card and got a one-match ban for his next game.


Here we have Griffiths, doing his naughty stuff before the Easter Road side's match with Hearts in March last year. Case gets postponed and delayed and postponed while Griffiths plays on and scores goals for fun, as he did last night. And this goes on and on and on. In any other country, there would serious questions asked about the integrity of the game, not least when you consider who is "guiding" the SPFL and SFA these days. Not so in Scotland ...

Edited by der Berliner
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By the looks of it, Griffiths has now surpassed the Loovens scenario. Let's remember that for a moment. That is Loovens being red carded against us, when he essentially wrecked Edu on the park and getting him out for the rest of that season. Celtic appealed and the decision about the appeal was delayed. At the time the Yahoos were utterly lacking central defenders. It took them months (during which Loovens obviously played on) and well into the summer to make a decision on that challenge, Loovens retained his red card and got a one-match ban for his next game.


Here we have Griffiths, doing his naughty stuff before the Easter Road side's match with Hearts in March last year. Case gets postponed and delayed and postponed while Griffiths plays on and scores goals for fun, as he did last night. And this goes on and on and on. In any other country, there would serious questions asked about the integrity of the game, not least when you consider who is "guiding" the SPFL and SFA these days. Not so in Scotland ...


The Griffiths case has to be dealt with this way - When you look at the SPFL and SFA you are ignoring that there is an ongoing court case with regards to this. If the SPFL/SFA mete out a punishment on Griffiths it would be highly likely to prejudice the court case against him. Hence, they have no real option but to await what happens in the law courts.

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The Griffiths case has to be dealt with this way - When you look at the SPFL and SFA you are ignoring that there is an ongoing court case with regards to this. If the SPFL/SFA mete out a punishment on Griffiths it would be highly likely to prejudice the court case against him. Hence, they have no real option but to await what happens in the law courts.


Not ignoring this, but I in turn would argue that once the court metes out a punishment, they (SPFL & SFA) will simply say that this has been dealt with now and he can play on regardless. The football authorities could very well act on their own and assume that law courts will come to their own, impartial judgements. They all go on with regards to "stamp out racism" and sure have guidelines tackling that issue, no matter whether someone faces a court case or not?

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Not ignoring this, but I in turn would argue that once the court metes out a punishment, they (SPFLe & SFA) will simply say that this has been dealt with now and he can play on regardless. The football authorities could very well act on their own and assume that law courts will come to their own, impartial judgements. They all go on with regards to "stamp out racism" and sure have guidelines tackling that issue, no matter whether someone faces a court case or not?



Don't often disagree with you but have to this time. Craig is correct. The mater is sub judice at this time so the SFA cannot act lest they prejudge or prejudice the criminal court case.


They will return to it in due course and anyway who gives a sh*t about the little pr*ck with 4 kids by 3 different women at the last count.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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