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John Bennett and Chris Graham join plc board

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Surely the issues that the members of the RST have generally reflect the issues of the wider support and if it helps their members than it helps the majority?
what if the support want all groups disbanded and one official entity with no previous group board members involved being the way forward? do you believe they would fight on behalf of the support or against?


what if the support decide we want rf to be the only official entity?


wants are inline until they threaten the power and standing of the group.

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what if the support want all groups disbanded and one official entity with no previous group board members involved being the way forward? do you believe they would fight on behalf of the support or against?


what if the support decide we want rf to be the only official entity?


wants are inline until they threaten the power and standing of the group.


You are giving examples about the future of the RST, rather than anything to do with the club per se. If that's the extent of the issues between the views of RST members and the views of the wider support then I can't see there being many problems.


Edit - as a member of RST, if I felt that the best thing for the club in general was for RF to take over BR then I wouldn't have an issue in voting for it (and I can see a not-impossible scenario of that happening, given that RF is a CIC), and likewise your other point.


RST members are more likely to have more interest in fan representation than other fans given that's one of their raison d'etres but it isn't a sacred cow. Yes, you will have a few who may be unable to accept it, but RST members would be looking for what's best for the club like other fans.

Edited by Bluedell
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You are giving examples about the future of the RST, rather than anything to do with the club per se. If that's the extent of the issues between the views of RST members and the views of the wider support then I can't see there being many problems.
fine. if asked who would the support rather have mccall and weir or magath and cathro how will they answer?


the main point as explained earlier is they will not work to the best interests of the club but to their own gains through pushing the old boys network.


if they cannot seperate themselves from that network to bring more fans to their fold then why would they do so when making decisions on the best way forward for the club? why when they refuse to work with transparency will they do so in club dealings?

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the viewpoint that they can only champion and full heartedly support actions that originate from them. The view they understand the average fans wants. It also comes down to their failure to take onboard supporters worries and act on them to full conclusion. Also they seem to insulate themselves from simple questions.they havd created a mentality that comes across as always being aimed at self promotion


very poor to say people want to spoil a step forward. a step forward for who? the disagreement is on it benefitting rangers in anyway.


As for why one rule for one and another for the rst. Thats simply their past speaks for future action far more than words. The rst are not trusted for one main reason,association. They have failed right up until present day to sort that problem in a frank and precise manner. Until that happens average fans will keep turning their back.


its not just down to the personality involved its down to the mistrust in rst motives.


But the point is that almost without exception RST words and actions are the same as the majority of fans. Not always granted but certainly almost so.


Listen, I agree with you in that the Trust (and Chris) are far from perfect - no argument from me. However, it's up to us to ensure they're accountable - either by joining the Trust or - as RF have done - offer an alternative. Similarly, if Chris is to be a fan rep per se (i.e. representing everyone) then he'll have to act in such a way and we'll all decide if he's trustworthy and doing a good job.


Now, we're going round in circles somewhat so I'm happy to leave this here for another day.

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