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John Bennett and Chris Graham join plc board

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Paul Murray, Interim Chairman, commented: "We are delighted to announce the further strengthening of the RIFC Board following Friday's General Meeting. John's corporate and financial experience and track record will prove invaluable, whilst Chris and James have been appointed in accordance with the Board's commitment to meaningful fan representation and in order that they can use their abilities to contribute to the Company"


Contribute what exactly ?

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Let's hope he's got enough time still to look after the media cabal in interviews and radio/tv shows! That said, he can tell the board first hand who the undesirables in the media are.


We already know who they are. The DR's ban got lifted pretty quickly didn't it?

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Let's hope he's got enough time still to look after the media cabal in interviews and radio/tv shows! That said, he can tell the board first hand who the undesirables in the media are.


Don't think he can. As a plc director there is a new onus of care, and he cannot come out with the same stuff as he did before IMO.

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Does John Bennet now have now have the time and energy or is he not tied up with his clients.:whistle:


I don't know JB from Mickey Mouse and I believe CG will be a good voice of the fans. As with all fans\workers promoted to a board position you have to wait to see if they remain true to their roots or end up a cock sucker for the board.

Chris has certainly been excellent with interviews and speaking up for the club and fans over the last few years so all the best to him,and indeed the others.

L&L out and JB in. I think King has it in BH.:)

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