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Main Gersnet site brainstorming...

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Speaking of match previews, where's Stewarty? :shifty::D


See when I said there was no one down for the preview...psychic! :P


I wouldnt be much use to it myself being a young whipper snapper (I cant really get away with saying that anymore, more like senile and forgetful early in life!), but an archive/history section being more prominent sounds like a good idea. By more prominent I mean aside from the articles section, something along the lines of a player/team focus of yesteryear featured on the main page each month, facts/statistics from memorable seasons gone by, even the not so memorable seasons to show how the club has its ups and downs in the past and not only now!


One suggestion I do have with regards to revamping the page is to have all of the links to other websites (Rangers First, Rangers Standard, SPFL) in its 'own' section, if you like, and all the same size, rather than some up the side and others down at the bottom..unless there's a reason for this, just a suggestion.

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I know I keep saying it but this is a brilliant site (always has been) and in my humble opinion remains the best Rangers site on the Web. Not much input on improvements but thought I would just take the opportunity to give praise and credit where it is due.


As my boys are getting older I am hoping I get more time that I would like to dedicate to penning some articles which would hopefully be welcomed on the site.


Podcasts sound interesting but would respectfully state that I have a face for radio :-)

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As my boys are getting older I am hoping I get more time that I would like to dedicate to penning some articles which would hopefully be welcomed on the site.


You know your articles are always welcome mate, so that would be great!

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Same goes for everyone btw! We're always looking for articles, so if anyone wants to submit one for publication you can either post it in a new thread and let us know privately that you'd be happy for it to be published or you can send an article straight to us privately.

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You know your articles are always welcome mate, so that would be great!


Goes off to pen a rant - I've got 4 years or so to get off my chest :-)


As Zappa says, Fanzines and websites are a fantastic platform for all fans to get their views published and discussed - so get typing folks - have always said it, if I can do it anyone can :-)

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I know I keep saying it but this is a brilliant site (always has been) and in my humble opinion remains the best Rangers site on the Web. Not much input on improvements but thought I would just take the opportunity to give praise and credit where it is due.


As my boys are getting older I am hoping I get more time that I would like to dedicate to penning some articles which would hopefully be welcomed on the site.


Podcasts sound interesting but would respectfully state that I have a face for radio :-)


Just to be clear, I hit agree to your first paragraph before I reached your last re: face for radio. :D

Upon my return to the forum, I too mentioned the extremely high quality of writing on Gersnet compared to other sites, not knocking them, I just enjoy here more.

Edited by Laudbertz
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Just to be clear, I hit agree to your first paragraph before I reached your last re: face for radio. :D

Upon my return to the forum, I too mentioned the extremely high quality of writing on Gersnet compared to other sites, not knocking them, I just enjoy here more.


Yeah I believe you Laudbertz -millions wouldn't :-)


Think I've said it before but I would go as far to say that the quality of writing on here is better than most of the written press

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