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The New 'PR':.. Patience & Realism

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In todays society PR takes on an ever more important role and it's not surprising that parrallel to this has seen a society become a place where the Truth is no longer fashionable and Accountability old hat.


Another word that is often employed for part of what comes under the PR banner is 'SPIN'. This can be described as a 'skill' that seeks to twist or mislead the consumer of the message, so as to advantage the person or group who advised spindoctor on remit.


We have been the target of such 'PR' over a long period of time that predates the arrival of Craig Whyte in May 2011. IIRC Toxic Jack/Mediahouse were brought in by Sir Duped back in 2006 and a book could be written on how this influenced subsequent events.



What I want to say here is that the new 'PR' for Rangers should be "Patience and Realism' on the way forward and not spin. IMO it should be employed by both the club and the support, especially given the huge amount of work that is needed and the financial limitations that apply.


This would be consistent with a Transparent approach from the new board.

Some Public Relations advice will be needed for certain issues going forward but I'd like to think that we could put together a board that had enough savvy and foresight to limit the need for professional advice to the occasional.



We the fans need to be Patient and Realistic going forward. Expectations together with timescales should be measured and not tempt the club into 'buttering us up' at times.

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I'm all for patience & realism.


I think it's realistic to expect the new regime to remove Sandy Easdale from the Club board immediately.


There should be no compromise on that for numerous reasons including his continued use of Jack Irvine after the club had announced it had severed all ties with Toxic Jack and his company.


Patience will wear thin quickly if Sandy Easdale remains involved in any official capacity at Ibrox.

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We will not turn up to watch dross every second week. Patience will also wear thin unless there is a new manager appointed soon & there is improvement on the pitch.

I, for one, will not be renewing my ST for next season unless postive action is taken on both

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Patience and realism are definitely important but we have to apply context to where we are.


Fans have made their support for King et al clear. Perhaps we had little choice in that respect but the best PR King can hope for is free - by making the changes we want quickly, effectively and in clear communication with fans.

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I'm all for patience & realism.


I think it's realistic to expect the new regime to remove Sandy Easdale from the Club board immediately.


There should be no compromise on that for numerous reasons including his continued use of Jack Irvine after the club had announced it had severed all ties with Toxic Jack and his company.


Patience will wear thin quickly if Sandy Easdale remains involved in any official capacity at Ibrox.


Kenny McDowall should fall under a similar category albeit for different reasons obviously.


If they don't want to make their long term managerial appointment for a while then fine but they absolutely must remove McDowall right away and bring in an interim for us to have any chance of salvaging this season.

Edited by simplythebest
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do you not think our expectations and impatience are part of the reason we are who we are. Champions do not accept delay.


devils advocate


That's actually a fair point. And, I'd normally agree with you.


However, again, we need to examine the context.

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We have the right people on board now, the right people leading the club. I do assume that they will do their utmost to see Rangers flourish. And I also assume that they know exactly how this can be done. And IMHO, the they is an important key here. Up till now, charlatans aside, we only had one person making all the decisions. From now on, one would hope, this is a group decision and there will be Rangers supporters having a word there too (not least since King and the 3Bs are all Bluenoses).

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Kenny McDowall should fall under a similar category albeit for different reasons obviously.


Maybe so, but replacing Kenny McDowall with the right interim manager (or head coach) capable of making the necessary improvements and upturn in results to give us a better chance of promotion could take at least a week or two, especially since the time frame for him being replaced probably hasn't even been decided yet.


Sandy Easdale on the other hand, I'd like to see removed from his position at the Club immediately if it hasn't already been done.

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That's actually a fair point. And, I'd normally agree with you.


However, again, we need to examine the context.

Agree context is the vital ingredient.


Management decision must be announced before pre season next year.

Decision declared on what is happening this season in the next week on whether a short term fix is being sought or whether this season is a right off.

Dof football or a set timetable with aims and goals released on football infrastructure before kickoff next season.



Fair or unfair? What else is expected?

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