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EGM Result: King resolutions pass with 85% of vote

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"they've been in a good few days now and the pies are still a disgrace. If they're any sort of Rangers fans, they should know the pies are an outrage. I want something done about the pies or I'm out".


when the opposition is pure mince.....say AYE to a Killie pie.

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It's not a personal problem as such, for example I know how to get a hold of you easily enough and as you probably know I'm friends with another fan board member. Not everyone will have that luxury however, and I just think the support generally deserve some clarity when the last official announcement was saying the group has been disbanded. We also deserve clarity on things like the Sports Direct contracts so I'm not trying to use the RFB as a stick to beat the new board with, I know they have several issues to sort out but now they're in power with full access to everything there can be no excuses.


We might THINK we deserve clarity on the SD contracts - however, if confidentiality agreements are in place then we don't have a right to see them, as "paying customers". Further, knowing Ashley and his minions they will have made them complex contracts and even the paper trail may be difficult to find. We may not like it but we do need to have some patience to allow the new incumbents do what they need to do.


IF a level of clarification can be provided then great, but if not I will be fine with it so long as we know they are dealing with it in the background for the betterment of the Club.


Very sadly, it absolutely galled me on Saturday to spend money in the Store as I knew most of that cash would be going to Ashley, but I had someone from Bermuda request something so I felt obliged.

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Know I'm picking out a single point of your list but by mini-season tickets I assume you mean tickets until the end of the season? That would be absolutely pointless now as they'd sell poorly, look at how the crowds have dropped in the three home games since the regime change.


it's already been done. quarter season ticket until end of season can now be bought

Edited by Little General
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The board have quite a bit on their plate at the moment but they did promise transparency.


Off the top of my head, I believe they need to do the following and more:


Make sense of the admin and accounts of the club without a proper handover.

Facilitate a new Nomad to do their due diligence.

Investigate L&L for disciplinary proceedings, execute them, and arrange whatever parting terms are necessary.

Stop the draw-down of the second loan from MA and provide alternative funding.

Pay back MA loans and provide alternative funding for that.

Organise a share issue.

Deal with AM and KM contracts with whatever severance.

Re-establish a PR department

Recruit a chief scout.

Organise refurbishment of Ibrox.

Investigate onerous contracts and see which can be cancelled or challenged in court.

Appoint another fan director.

Appoint a CEO.

Set up mini-season tickets.


All while continuing the daily running of the club.


Agree with all of the above and, indeed, the laundry list will be far more extensive than even that. They have a great deal of work to do to just stem the tide - so we must show some patience whilst they do what is needed. I would prefer we take our time and get the infrastructure right than rush it through and screw it up. What they have to do now is what should have been done 3 years ago when we had the chance to, which is create the proper structure and foundations. The previous incumbents, all the way back to Green, failed miserably in this regard.

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Know I'm picking out a single point of your list but by mini-season tickets I assume you mean tickets until the end of the season? That would be absolutely pointless now as they'd sell poorly, look at how the crowds have dropped in the three home games since the regime change.


Why would it be pointless ? Costs virtually nothing for the Club to put in place and every single person that DOES buy one (regardless of how poorly they sell) would be revenue to the Club.

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All fine and well, a simple update every now and then would be helpful.


We placed our trust in them by getting them in. The least we can do is show some patience and belief that they are working in the background. You prefer they come out and soothe your worries at the lack of communication or would you prefer they actually started dealing with the task at hand ? I know which I prefer.


Besides, whatever they do come out and say will be twisted in some quarters anyway.

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We placed our trust in them by getting them in. The least we can do is show some patience and belief that they are working in the background. You prefer they come out and soothe your worries at the lack of communication or would you prefer they actually started dealing with the task at hand ? I know which I prefer.


Besides, whatever they do come out and say will be twisted in some quarters anyway.


It was not exactly criticism, more like a wish. It would also underline their attempt at transparency, something that was lacking for years, if not decades. But I'm rather patient anyway. Even patient enough to wait another year in the Championship, if that means we get a decently run and organized club, a good manager and a team that deserves its and our name. (Which is not to say that I wouldn't welcome promotion this time around.)

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