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Well done to SoS/RST/UoF and all of us who made it happen

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They've been forced out by their own ineptitude and people buying up shares, it's that simple really.


I accept people like the SOS, RST as individuals more than I do and that's fair enough, but as far as the current change goes the board was a ticking time bomb with or without these groups.


but they would still be there if not for us.


we did it.


not them.


your simply describing why we did it.

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I think it is wisest to state ones viewpoint to the crackpots amongst our support and move on. It is my view whether it is the boardroom, football or add-ons it appears to be the same people who cannot accept reasoned argument.... indeed they become more entrenched the more cogent your argument is...far too much positive stuff to look forward to now than waste ones energies with the crackpots....


Sadly, we are divided and probably will remain so but hey-ho let us hope we can agree to disagree, and realise that we have too many enemies to be caught up with divisive in-fighting.

Edited by BlueSolace
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The Green days are gone, I've been unequivocal on the regime's performance for some time now


And, that's it, is it? Your daily out pouring of utter shite in favour of Chuckles is just supposed to be forgotten in "The Green days are gone" ?


Not, one notes "The Green days I endlessly, slavishly, supported are gone". No, no, no lets make it sound impersonal and passive as though it had/has nothing to do with you and your trolling tendencies.

Edited by SteveC
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And, that's it, is it? Your daily out pouring of utter shite in favour of Chuckles is just supposed to be forgotten in "The Green days are gone" ?


Not, one notes "The Green days I endlessly, slavishly, supported are gone". No, no, no lets make it sound impersonal and passive as though it had/has nothing to do with you and your trolling tendencies.

Trolling? Not at all, I've always given my honest opinion. I don't believe things have always been awful from the moment Green took over, I don't believe that every single board member has necessarily been bad, plenty will disagree and by all means we can go over these sort of debates again but I don't see the point personally. I've been united with pretty much every Rangers fan in being against this regime since Ashley started to take the piss and I've been in favour of King ousting the board from the moment he called the EGM.


We've all thought and done what we believe is right, ultimately I'm hoping we can get back to what we're meant to do and be united supporting the team rather than sniping at each other and declaring how one set of fans are better than another.

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The Green days are gone, I've been unequivocal on the regime's performance for some time now


Appalling sweep sweep attempt.


The current position started from your pal Chuckles and his lies and deceit. Don't try sweeping his part in this under the carpet because it doesn't wash !

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They've been forced out by their own ineptitude and people buying up shares, it's that simple really.


I accept people like the SOS, RST as individuals more than I do and that's fair enough, but as far as the current change goes the board was a ticking time bomb with or without these groups.


Not so long as they had Ashley's cash it wasn't.

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Trolling? Not at all, I've always given my honest opinion. I don't believe things have always been awful from the moment Green took over, I don't believe that every single board member has necessarily been bad, plenty will disagree and by all means we can go over these sort of debates again but I don't see the point personally. I've been united with pretty much every Rangers fan in being against this regime since Ashley started to take the piss and I've been in favour of King ousting the board from the moment he called the EGM.


We've all thought and done what we believe is right, ultimately I'm hoping we can get back to what we're meant to do and be united supporting the team rather than sniping at each other and declaring how one set of fans are better than another.


I'm too new on here to have read your past posts, but the point is, regardless of who was on the board they all danced to the same tune with one shareholder block choreographing and playing the music. They were all puppets controlled by one shareholders block

Edited by colinstein
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It's interesting the different language people use on here compared to their accounts elsewhere.


There's no doubt in my mind that the fan groups have played a huge part in recent events - from keeping supporters informed about the nefarious activities of a variety of people, to exposing the lies of others, to helping facilitate the purchase of millions of shares and voting right consolidation. To say it still would have happened without them now it's happened is laughable.


My thanks go to the Trust, RF, SoS and the RFB - all of whom have been responsible in ensuring we're on the cusp of having our club back in friendly hands. Yes, that doesn't mean we automatically bow down in front of King or any other director or, indeed, the fan groups - just that we acknowledge the future should be better than of late.


Some will deny that of course but they are a very small minority and we shouldn't allow them to hinder our progress in moving forward.

Edited by Frankie
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Trolling? Not at all, I've always given my honest opinion. I don't believe things have always been awful from the moment Green took over, I don't believe that every single board member has necessarily been bad, plenty will disagree and by all means we can go over these sort of debates again but I don't see the point personally. I've been united with pretty much every Rangers fan in being against this regime since Ashley started to take the piss and I've been in favour of King ousting the board from the moment he called the EGM.


We've all thought and done what we believe is right, ultimately I'm hoping we can get back to what we're meant to do and be united supporting the team rather than sniping at each other and declaring how one set of fans are better than another.


Ashley started to take the piss years ago and I don't know where it is you've been united with fans and against the board but it wasn't on here.


Still want the boycotters banned from ibrox?

Edited by the gunslinger
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