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John DC Gow: It’s time Rangers fans did more to condemn bigot chants

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Well argued piece from John (and I'm glad to see his points in the mainstream press) but as long as other clubs' fans' behaviour is tolerated/ignored then we'll never remove these songs.


I dont think its any co-incidence Frankie that the resurgence of these songs have co-incided with a comprehensive failure of both the judiciary and football authorities to apply, even handedly, the laws they preside over.

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Okay ... now, since most of you life in Scotland and have seen and see the realities, can you really say that much of what is going on is actually beyond what SDM once termed "90 minute bigotry"? Is there that portrayed downright hatred of Catholics oozing from the stands and is tangible in society as you would imagine going by the public outcries these last few days? Is it really so much more than nasty and cynical football singing and banter directed at Celtic FC and its support, and hardly anyone and anything else? There is no argument that these songs have no place in a 21st century football ground, but the way this whole stuff is being treated - apart from being portrayed rather one-sided again - makes it look like being blown out of all proportion and deliberately out of the football context.

Edited by der Berliner
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Okay ... now, since most of you life in Scotland and have seen and see the realities, can you really say that much of what is going on is actually beyond what SDM once termed "90 minute bigotry"? Is there that portrayed downright hatred of Catholics oozing from the stands and is tangible in society as you would imagine going by the public outcries these last few days? Is it really so much more than nasty and cynical football singing and banter directed at Celtic FC and its support, and hardly anyone and anything else? There is no argument that these songs have no place in a 21st century football ground, but the way this whole stuff is being treated - apart from being portrayed rather one-sided again - makes it look like being blown out of all proportion and deliberately out of the football context.


Compare the column inches wasted on what the Rangers support have been singing in Kirkcaldy with that of actual assault and bodily harm on Rangers fans attending the LC semi and aftermath, the discrepancy is actually sinister.


The authorities can't even define what sectarianism is let alone what the problem with it is.

Edited by jhunter
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Okay ... now, since most of you life in Scotland and have seen and see the realities, can you really say that much of what is going on is actually beyond what SDM once termed "90 minute bigotry"? Is there that portrayed downright hatred of Catholics oozing from the stands and is tangible in society as you would imagine going by the public outcries these last few days? Is it really so much more than nasty and cynical football singing and banter directed at Celtic FC and its support, and hardly anyone and anything else? There is no argument that these songs have no place in a 21st century football ground, but the way this whole stuff is being treated - apart from being portrayed rather one-sided again - makes it look like being blown out of all proportion and deliberately out of the football context.


Quite so. Pretty much the only visible aspect of 'sectarianism' in Scotland (outside the odd West of Scotland Labour Party candidate selection panel) is football. If it wasn't for us and them singing nasty things, nobody would recognise there's an issue. We have a football problem, not a sectarian problem.

That shouldn't be taken as advocating carte blanche for the support to yell anything and everything, just a call for a bit of perspective.

Edited by Oleg_Mcnoleg
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"Unlike most, I believe bigoted songs can be stopped overnight – but it has to be hammered by the club and made taboo by the main supporters' groups so the majority have a collective way of showing their disgust."


The club's response ...




Wednesday, 25 February 2015 17:00

Club Statement

Written by Rangers Football Club





Club Statement



THE Club has this afternoon released the following statement:



The Club has made its position on anti-social behaviour abundantly clear.


As is normal, Rangers security staff attend every pre-match operations meeting to discuss all aspects of safety and unacceptable behaviour.


It will come as no great surprise that the Police match commander has indicated that a ‘zero tolerance’ approach will be in place regarding criminal behaviour and has indicated that additional resources both physical and technical will be deployed before, during and after Friday night’s match at the Falkirk Stadium.


The Club is committed to eradicating all forms of inappropriate behaviour and will support Police Scotland and Falkirk Football Club in tackling this problem.


The Rangers supporters have been magnificent at Ibrox and on our travels this season and it was extremely disappointing that a minority of supporters chose to engage in inappropriate singing during last weekend’s match at Raith Rovers.


That said, the Club takes great encouragement from the fact that the majority of supporters were quick to condemn those who indulged in criminal behaviour and the club ask all supporters to act as ambassadors for Rangers when they attend our matches.


Those who engage in unacceptable behaviour are only damaging Rangers so it is important to back the team in the correct manner and prevent the Club from attracting negative comments.

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