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Fans Board Statement re Llambias intention to disband it.

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Lifted from FF:


SoS open letter to Somers Llambias and Leach

Open letter to Mr Somers, Mr Llambias and Mr Leach


For the avoidance of doubt, when we sang "sack the board" it was aimed at the board of directors of Rangers International Football Club PLC and NOT the fans on the Rangers Fans Board.


You three gentleman are an embarrassment to the Rangers family and by your actions today, you will never be welcome to attach yourself to such a body.


We are Rangers fans despite our differing opinions on some matters but we are the people and of this there should be no doubt. When you take on one or a group of us you take on all of us.


You are not welcome and will never be accepted as part of this bond which you neither understand nor respect.


You should listen to the words of the departed director Mr James Easdale and bow down to the fan pressure that will only rise due to your actions and threats toward a group of fellow fans namely the Rangers Fans Board.


We note your ineptitude by even quoting the wrong paragraph of an unverified constitution. This shows a new level of professionalism but should be of no surprise to any fan.


Your conduct against Rangers fans will never be forgiven nor forgotten.





Craig Houston

Sons of Struth

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as said above only if opperating absent of political ambition on behalf of the rst.


I doubt very much that if George Letham was appointed to the board he would be operating on behalf of the RST or anyone's political ambitions.


His involvement with the RST would simply be a bonus for the fans in the sense that he would hopefully promote better and more appropriate fan engagement & involvement in the Club.

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Take Frankie's personal name out of it and you will get to the point I was making. Why should they have to come from a fans group ?


They wouldn't need to at all, so I agree.


Ideally, I think moving forward there would be a balanced and fair/appropriate mixture of representation.

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Frankie's repeatedly said over the past few years that he wouldn't personally be interested in being an official fan representative.


I'd have to insist on some vague, geographical connection to Glasgow here. I mean, we have to draw the line somewhere, and Harthill seems as good a place as any.

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I doubt very much that if George Letham was appointed to the board he would be operating on behalf of the RST or anyone's political ambitions.


His involvement with the RST would simply be a bonus for the fans in the sense that he would hopefully promote better and more appropriate fan engagement & involvement in the Club.

why would it be a bonus? bonus for who?


never understand the third party needs. only representation needed is for the betterment of rangers ,allegiances , wants and actions should be solely focused. they should not be split between club and group betterment.


as said individuals are welcome. Letham has done more than most recently and would deserve a place. But that place should not give any group an ear that speaks for a number less than a majority.

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I don't think that's particularly impressive to be honest.


I have to agree...not particularly well-written.


However, I have to bow to the determination and actions of a section of our support in ridding ourselves of these charlatans .....I only wish I could have been more pro-active.

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