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Stan Collymore Tweet

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Yeah, saw that earlier. Attention seeking hypocritical wank who hasn't seen fit to criticise Celtic for their lack of action against their racist players (Griffiths and Tonev) and can shrug off the Mark Walters incident, and lies about the fact that Celtic were inclusive "from year dot".

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What is it all about ?


Some Chelsea fans abused someone on the Paris metro in a racist manner and he tries to bring Rangers into it, even though his beloved Celtic have many more issues in respect of racism than we have.

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Some Chelsea fans abused someone on the Paris metro in a racist manner and he tries to bring Rangers into it, even though his beloved Celtic have many more issues in respect of racism than we have.


So it wasnt just something Rangers fans werent involved with....Rangers fans REALLY REALLY werent involved with. Slanderous cretin.

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