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rangers got thompson

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Can someone tell me what kind of player Thompson is exactly in the midfield??


If we were to get 1 of the twins from Hibs id of preferred Brown but I havent seen much of Thompson.


But welcome to The Brox. And glad to see another Scot on board.


Im just hoping for McCulloch now. I dont like being held to ransom from Hearts on Hartley coz he is 30 but he would still improve us.

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I would liken Thomson to Clement, except I would actually rate Thomson higher.


Has a bit more pace than Clement, has more drive, more determination, better passing.


I was impressed with Clement when I saw him against Dundee Utd in the 2-2 draw early season but was just as impressed with Thomson when I watched him the week before against the sheep at Easter Road.


I would have preferred Brown too, but also wonder if he might be on the cards too.......

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Thomson is in some ways similar to Clement but has more creativity, a higher work rate and is more likely to score goals.


A great signing IMO.


You are just copying what I said ;)


I agree, I think Thomson is better in most, if not all, respects than Clement - and it looks like Thomson only really cost us about 200-400k if you consider he cost 2 mill while we got about 1.6 for Clement.


Very good business IMO.

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Great signing, young, Scottish and a Timmy target. Don't get much better! Hopefully now we have Colin, Justin won't be far behind even if it does take till the summer. I have to say Brown was the one I was after but if we can get McCulloch and Gow to complement Walter's other signings then I'll be a happy Bear. Would still dearly love a right back and a striker though.


Isn't it nice for us to go out, spend a bit of cash on a player that we actually know!!!

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Interesting piece posted on FF by someone. I'm only copying it for here as I know a lot of people don't have access to FF.


Anyway, this story seems to have been backed up by other people's comments and alluded to by people in the media:


From a "source" (eat your failing heart out McNee you vermin):


McLies had given Celtic his word that the two players would sign for them, despite the two boys preference being Rangers.


Celtic, in turn, had given McLies assurances that a whopping amount of cash would find its way to his account if that happened, totally unrelated I'm sure.


Both Hibs and Rangers were utterly sick of this maggot, so....


Murray called Petrie (you know, the same Petrie Bitter Martin had claimed would never deal with Rangers), stuck a bid in which Hibs get all of (no agents fees) and Petrie drove the boy direct to a meeting with Bain, where he signed the deal offered!


McLies was, apparently, holding the jackets like a spare pr!ck at a wedding style during this. He attempted to get the wage up, but the boy himself was happy with what was offered (its 8 times what he was on, around 12-15k per week) so just signed!


McLies also wanted a 2.5 year deal (for a 2m signing!) but the boy himself signed a 4.5 year deal. I've a feeling I'm really going to like this kid.


Thomson is a lifelong Hibs fan, but with Rangers family leanings (his cousin is Stevie McLean and he is a good mate of McGregor.) Scott Brown, of course, is a Bear and is desperate to join his mate.


McLies has severely pi ssed off Rangers, Hibs and now Celtic who feel they haven't left enough time to chase alternate targets. Make no mistake, Thomson was the one they REALLY wanted.

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