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An idle afternoon's thought

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Apropos of nothing whatsoever that may be happening elsewhere, while pedaling my heavy way around the icy hills of Renfrewshire this morning it occurred to me that some businesses are very reluctant to reveal details of their doings, to the point where the uncharitable onlooker might think there was something a touch suspicious about such reticence. I'm sure that, in 99.9% of such cases, everything is entirely straight forward and it's simple business confidentiality which prompts some City types or business big guns to keep their cards ever so close to their chests.


One way to get a look inside any such secretive body is through the courts, of course. Should people either take a company to court, or, crazy though it sounds, should any business take a customer to court, it does offer the legally minded pursuer or defender access to the information they might have been after in the first place.


Law! Crazy words, crazy system. It's weird how sometimes it works out that those who rush to law find themselves on the sharp end of her sword, hoist on their own petard. Jonathan Aitken springs to mind, likewise Jeffrey Archer.


These, and other less boring thoughts, occupy me this dull January afternoon.

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Interesting to see lawyers descend on Gersnet so quickly after not to be mentioned untrue rumours surfaced this morning.


Some might think it tends to back-up theories that certain individuals enjoy the 'protection' that a certain proxy block may offer.

Edited by buster.
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The legal stuff gives me a big enough headache - let's not drift into subjects none of us are familiar with.


Although, good news is that a good friend of the site has just started their own law firm so perhaps can throw us some pro bono work should we encounter any similar issues in the future.


In the meantime, please avoid any unsubstantiated rumours or allegations so we can all avoid migraines.

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if you were to say x individual was paid by y to do what he couldnt be seen to do and y takes you to court could you then demand all bank statements and correspodence related during that time? for example.


Don't think so. the onus would be on you to prove it and not for x to disprove it.

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Bryan Swanson @skysports_bryan · 5m5 minutes ago

Exclusive interview with former Rangers chief executive Charles Green on #SSNHQ from 5pm. Spoke to @JimWhite from hospital bed today.


Imaginary book being run..............


Spouts bullshit..........................................................1/100

Is in to get his Rangersitis looked at......................5/1

Has Bill Gates lined up to invest.............................8/1

Has chatted-up a 'Paki nurse'.................................16/1

Has found Dallas Cowboys e-mail.........................20/1

Has 15M Coca Cola stadium naming deal ready..33/1

Is asking potato farmers to make offers................33/1

Edited by buster.
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