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I have that warm fuzzy feeling too.


The old adage about it being darkest before the dawn seems to be pertinent. I was almost at the point of no return with the whole debacle but I really can see the green shoots now.


Game for me tomorrow!


I'll buy a couple of half season tickets right away

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in fairness that is all rab has been shouting for. King to finally show up to the party..


In fairness, he was cock-a-hoop about Ashley gaining further control. He also once stated that King didn't have the money, nor the will to spend it. He is working hard on the revisionism, but I am sure that he will be glad of all the help going. Well done.

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come on itis there's fans all over the place who have got it wrong at various stages of this calamity. the gloating " I was right you were wrong" approach actually reflects quite poorly on yourself and others who indulge ... fuck that wont stop you though...

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come on itis there's fans all over the place who have got it wrong at various stages of this calamity. the gloating " I was right you were wrong" approach actually reflects quite poorly on yourself and others who indulge ... fuck that wont stop you though...


You tried to peddle nonsense, I merely put you right on a couple of things. Pip pip.

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