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So after all your previous experiences of judging past regimes, which will have included a belief or hope that Rangeritis had kicked in. You are once again basing your opinion/views on another regime, by mostly ignoring previous MO and hoping that it'll be different this time and Rangeritis will kick-in.


Can't you realise how 'Alice in Wonderland' that is ?


Have a look at my 'signature' below.............do you have a memory issue ?


This should be sorted by an admin, IMHO.


Ashley is no SDM, no Whyte, no Green. Each had at certain times pros and cons, some more, some less obvious to the everyday punter. What became of their reigns is there for everyone to see. To project that on anyone else is one way of dealing with this. If you think that Ashley's only here to do another Whyte/Green stunt, so be it. Don't tell people that they have to follow that line of thought or else they need mental help.


As for your signature ... it would actually carry weight if you'd apply it to all things Rangers, not just board room issues. A few key words for starters would be: previous cup games against weaker teams these last 30odd years.

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This should be sorted by an admin, IMHO.


Ashley is no SDM, no Whyte, no Green. Each had at certain times pros and cons, some more, some less obvious to the everyday punter. What became of their reigns is there for everyone to see. To project that on anyone else is one way of dealing with this. If you think that Ashley's only here to do another Whyte/Green stunt, so be it. Don't tell people that they have to follow that line of thought or else they need mental help.


As for your signature ... it would actually carry weight if you'd apply it to all things Rangers, not just board room issues. A few key words for starters would be: previous cup games against weaker teams these last 30odd years.


Are you still trying to give yourself some credence for your love-in with corporate rapist after cheating, thieving scum that have all but killed the club by claiming they had good sides? Hell, my German friend, Hitler was anti-fox hunting (a pro in my eye) but that doesn't quite ameliorate his cons, eh? As for "everyday punter" are you claiming your mighty insight allows you to see good in Whyte and Green that ordinary mortals fail to notice as they remove the family silver from Govan to live it up abroad?


You are correct that Admin should get involved, but not in the way that you are hoping. It's a pity as a reasoned debate on why Ashley is no Whyte or Green could have been interesting but as only you can see what ordinary punters cannot, it's pointless now.

Edited by SteveC
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Originally Posted by der Berliner

Ashley is no SDM, no Whyte, no Green. Each had at certain times pros and cons, some more, some less obvious to the everyday punter. What became of their reigns is there for everyone to see. To project that on anyone else is one way of dealing with this. If you think that Ashley's only here to do another Whyte/Green stunt, so be it. Don't tell people that they have to follow that line of thought or else they need mental help.


As for your signature ... it would actually carry weight if you'd apply it to all things Rangers, not just board room issues. A few key words for starters would be: previous cup games against weaker teams these last 30odd years.


I've edited out the part you think OofO, if you want to, you can do the same in the quote.


If you fail to realise or acknowledge that the MO of Ashely could be different to CW/CG but still have the capacity to be damaging to the longterm interests of the football club, it betrays a limited grasp on matters. This would fit with your track record.

Edited by buster.
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If you keep getting it wrong people are bound to wonder.


I think it was Einstein that defined insanity as doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.


Quite a few inventors must have been insane then ... how many attempts did Edison and Co. require to build the first usable incandescent light bulb again?


But thanks for the comparison.

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Quite a few inventors must have been insane then ... how many attempts did Edison and Co. require to build the first usable incandescent light bulb again?


But thanks for the comparison.

If they did the same thing over and over again they would have never got to a usable version. They adapted each time to take in previous mistakes/problems. Its called learning!:P
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The latter is disrespectful to anyone who disagrees with the general conception of Ashley, the former is an assumption that is probably very much a reflection of his core interest. It is very much up to debate whether it is Ashley sole interest though. If you believe that, fair enough. Those not following suit straight away are not be default lacking "common sense". Only Ashley knows what Ashley's plans for Rangers FC are. Making money is sure one of his top priorities.


On what grounds do you disagree with the concept? I'm genuinely curious what might make you think Ashley is interested in Rangers for other reasons? His only public utterance in the subject was at the Sports Direct agm, his words there suggested he wasn't involving himself at Rangers for any other reason than to benefit Sports Direct.

There are a number of cultural differences between the UK and Germany, one is in the ownership of football clubs. I can understand why you might look at this situation and assume that the very rich guy might fancy putting something back into the community and would only get involved in a professional football club to help them. I mean no disrespect when I state that in this culture corporate pillaging is not only tolerated is actively celebrated by many influential people in our society. It's naive in the extreme to assume that Ashley plans anything other than the enriching of Sports Direct, all evidence points at that.

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