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he should have been sacked 2 years ago and made far less but it's not his fault he hasn't.


Two years ago? think back to his apprenticeship Slinger.He should never,ever have been hired.

Walter lost a lot of my respect,when he endorsed McSalary for the job.

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Two years ago? think back to his apprenticeship Slinger.He should never,ever have been hired.

Walter lost a lot of my respect,when he endorsed McSalary for the job.

Bar the tail end of 10/11 the football we played under Walter was brutal and it was clear we needed a completely different approach. His number 2 was only going to be a diluted version, turns out he was far, far worse than that.


Much of the same things we see now happened under Walter, it's just magnified now because Ally isn't fit to polish Walter's boots (shoes!?). And as you can see I'm not Walter's greatest fan.

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why should he be any different.


it's utterly unfair to apply different pressures to him just because he is a rangers fan.


it's not like the money will stay in rangers.


What money? We can't afford to pay him off, or give him anything? Did you not say Decembers wages were going to be a problem? Then how do we expect the club to pay off this charlatan? We don't have a bolt.

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What money? We can't afford to pay him off, or give him anything? Did you not say Decembers wages were going to be a problem? Then how do we expect the club to pay off this charlatan? We don't have a bolt.


we always find money for the ****s.


the board said Decembers wages would be a problem.

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Again you don't seem to be following the 2 wrongs don't make a right proviso. Should Durrant get a full pay off too? To hell if we go bust?


yes off course he should.


it won't be allys fault if we go bust.


nor the tea boys if he breaks the mug that tips us over the edge.

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If you don't have the right people running the club from the top how can you expect anything else to be running right?. I've always said getting the right people running the club and the rest will follow,the emphasis from fans has been on the manager,performances,results more than the S.P.I.V.S screwing the club.

I agree Ally hasn't cut it as a manager,but I'm still more concerned with where we are heading as a club.

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