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Billionaire Scot (and RFC fan) investing into Motherwell

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Apparently in today's Scottish Sun:




Les is actually a Rangers fan and shareholder but I'm reliably informed has decided against investing into us for one or two reasons I can't share here.



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Would he have been part of King's consortium by any chance?


Not that I'm aware of.


However, I do know people involved with King were informed of Les' availability so to speak. Not sure if they followed it up.


I believe this Motherwell stuff is due to his daughter who is a 'Well fan.

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I would have said I wish Les sold those years some years earlier and decided he wanted to buy us however we know it wouldn't have mattered anyway .............. stitch up was already in place.

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I've not been able to read the full Sun article but I think it's worth mentioning that this deal hasn't been done yet although it has been a while in the pipeline.


I suspect more may not leak out over the coming days.

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If he invests there, you would imagine certain rules in Scotland may forbid him to invest more or hold any sort of power with us?


There are probably ways and means of getting round this.

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There certainly is. Who's the guy who owns Livingston, has a controlling interest in East Fife and has links wuth Dumbarton too?


Neil Rankine:




IIRC though, the SFA found the links of Dumbarton acceptable while the East Fife stuff may be ruled upon soon as Livi had until today to provide more info to the SFA.

Edited by Frankie
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