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Crown Office officials will now examine the UK’s extradition treaty with Mexico. But it is possible the shamed entrepreneur could waive his right to challenge the proceedings and agree to the extradition.


Ahem ... just to be in the clear here: he was apparently arrested in Mexico because there's an arrest warrant in Britain. Yet, they have to check the extradition treaty with Mexico? Is that for the minute details on e.g. how long he can be held there or how much Mexico can demand in catching fees and the like. Else, why would the Mexicans hold him in the first place?

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Sincerely, I hope extradition proceedings are lengthy. The thought of wee Craigy languishing in a Mexican jail fills me with immense well being. Every Paco and Pepe sharing Whyte's de-Keynesian cell, should be encouraged to utilise Tabasco as a lubricant.


I suggest a celebration this coming Sunday, let's have a continuous Mexican Wave?

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Sincerely, I hope extradition proceedings are lengthy. The thought of wee Craigy languishing in a Mexican jail fills me with immense well being. Every Paco and Pepe sharing Whyte's de-Keynesian cell, should be encouraged to utilise Tabasco as a lubricant.


I suggest a celebration this coming Sunday, let's have a continuous Mexican Wave?


it's a win-win situation: either wee bug-eyed Craigy gets to serve as the cell bitch for every cartel footsoldier for the next few months or he squeals like the world's most squealy pig in the world pig squealing final and brings the whole pack of cards down around him. Either way, it's time to stock up on beer and popcorn, cos this gonna be fun.

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But let's hope the whole story comes out including those who enabled this fraud to take place i.e. Did LBG never do due diligence of any sort to see where the money had come from?


Perhaps LBG did do an investigation into where the cash had come from. I'm not sure that it would have triggered any money laundering alarms if they had.

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