BEARGER 1,861 Posted November 8, 2014 Share Posted November 8, 2014 I understand that but at the end of the day they are the elected representatives. Without our full backing and support to find its feet in the first year the whole exercise will be a failure. At this point in time there are too many chefs in the kitchen. Its time to streamline and utilise the proper channels, instead of everyone and sundry questioning every move and motive . Our voice was heard during the elections. Its now time for our voices to quieten and allow those people we chose to do the talking on our behalf to do so. Its time we all realised we can't get everything our way and whether we like it or not we will, if we want to move forward, have to get behind someone. Personally i think that should be a group with official links to the club. Do you think the fog will ever lift with so many people wanting their way to be the way the club moves forward? Do you not think that a fan rep should have the full year before he or she is judged? Do you not think any talking to the press as the voice of fans should be done by someone in an official capacity with full over site? Same goes for attracting finance in any form under the name Rangers. Personally i have found the whole RFB to work so far(very early days obviously). I had an issue i wanted taken to the top and it was. I am a lone voice but it was heard.For me that is all we can ask. Now i must sit back and hope the club agrees. If they don't then i need to move on and hope to circle back one day in the future. Sorry if this comes across as a go at you personally, it is not meant that way. Was just shocked to find out people had been having a go about a question I asked to be taken forward. When i found out it was posters from here and seen who it was I was dumbfounded. This is the sane site! They immediately question in what can only be called a dismissive manner without any idea the context behind a very simple question, for no real reason. For what I personally thought intelligent and honest posters to be jumping the gun has been a bit of an eye opener and brought home the obvious effects the last three years has had on us all. At the end of the day the only way to take the club forward is all together. Here's hoping it can happen. You fall at the first hurdle or paragraph. The vast majority of Rangers fans did not have a vote in these sham elections. Also how many did actually vote? Have the voting figures been publicised? If not why not? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hildy 0 Posted November 8, 2014 Share Posted November 8, 2014 I understand that but at the end of the day they are the elected representatives. Without our full backing and support to find its feet in the first year the whole exercise will be a failure. At this point in time there are too many chefs in the kitchen. Its time to streamline and utilise the proper channels, instead of everyone and sundry questioning every move and motive . Our voice was heard during the elections. Its now time for our voices to quieten and allow those people we chose to do the talking on our behalf to do so. Its time we all realised we can't get everything our way and whether we like it or not we will, if we want to move forward, have to get behind someone. Personally i think that should be a group with official links to the club. Do you think the fog will ever lift with so many people wanting their way to be the way the club moves forward? Do you not think that a fan rep should have the full year before he or she is judged? Do you not think any talking to the press as the voice of fans should be done by someone in an official capacity with full over site? Same goes for attracting finance in any form under the name Rangers. Personally i have found the whole RFB to work so far(very early days obviously). I had an issue i wanted taken to the top and it was. I am a lone voice but it was heard.For me that is all we can ask. Now i must sit back and hope the club agrees. If they don't then i need to move on and hope to circle back one day in the future. Sorry if this comes across as a go at you personally, it is not meant that way. Was just shocked to find out people had been having a go about a question I asked to be taken forward. When i found out it was posters from here and seen who it was I was dumbfounded. This is the sane site! They immediately question in what can only be called a dismissive manner without any idea the context behind a very simple question, for no real reason. For what I personally thought intelligent and honest posters to be jumping the gun has been a bit of an eye opener and brought home the obvious effects the last three years has had on us all. At the end of the day the only way to take the club forward is all together. Here's hoping it can happen. The exercise deserves to be a failure. It will not be bad news if it is swept away. It has been a sham from the off, a pretence at fan representation rather than anything meaningful or worthy. This fan board is like an old eastern European state that made a big deal about being democratic but never actually was. The club's ownership isn't trusted enough to create and run a genuine democratic structure. It had to default fans into it to attempt to give it a credibility that it could not earn. This fan group is probably the smallest fan group of them all with only a hundred or so active joiners, maybe less. It is a mere rump - official or not. It is the latest farce in the sad, sad story of a club that was once held in high regard. This fan board has actually disgraced itself by agreeing to come into existence. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
forlanssister 3,132 Posted November 8, 2014 Share Posted November 8, 2014 This fan board has actually disgraced itself by agreeing to come into existence. I take exception to that remark. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
buster. 5,458 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 I understand that but ........................... You patently don't understand what I wrote because if you did, much of what comes after those first three words doesn't make sense. Strangely, neither do your own words from a post on RM seem to reconcile with your previous on this thread, # 419. Post on RM / Thread "Minutes of the First Meeting of Rangers Fans Board - 6/10/14" / #14 Dated 2 November "whats the point if you cant ask the board the value of the contracts rangers give away for free. part of the fan boards remit must be to check the board are meeting their obligations to the future of the club." Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hildy 0 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 I take exception to that remark. To be fair to you, you may have your own motive for joining this board, and if that is to advance the position of disabled Rangers fans, it is certainly something worth striving for, but it should be done by other means. When the ownership of the club isn't properly trusted, when many believe that it is discredited, and when thousands have turned their back on it due to the seriousness of the ownership situation, participating in a boss's union when the boss has made such a mess of running the club will rightly be frowned on in certain quarters. Amongst the support, you have managed to retain some respect. While I applaud you for trying to hold the club to account before this fan board came along, I think you have made a big mistake becoming a part of it. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
forlanssister 3,132 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 To be fair to you, you may have your own motive for joining this board, and if that is to advance the position of disabled Rangers fans, it is certainly something worth striving for, but it should be done by other means. When the ownership of the club isn't properly trusted, when many believe that it is discredited, and when thousands have turned their back on it due to the seriousness of the ownership situation, participating in a boss's union when the boss has made such a mess of running the club will rightly be frowned on in certain quarters. Amongst the support, you have managed to retain some respect. While I applaud you for trying to hold the club to account before this fan board came along, I think you have made a big mistake becoming a part of it. I've spent over a decade trying other means, the RFB for all it's imperfections gives me a direct and documented route. At least a dozen or so disabled fans had to leave as early as half-time due to being absolutely drenched partly due to a broken part of the roof which has been that way for years and years, even a 5 hour journey home with the heaters in the minibus on full blast didn't dry me out. Do you suggest we should just suck it and see or wait in vain for someone to finally construct a workable plan for fan ownership or use whatever vehicles are open to us? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hildy 0 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 I've spent over a decade trying other means, the RFB for all it's imperfections gives me a direct and documented route. At least a dozen or so disabled fans had to leave as early as half-time due to being absolutely drenched partly due to a broken part of the roof which has been that way for years and years, even a 5 hour journey home with the heaters in the minibus on full blast didn't dry me out. Do you suggest we should just suck it and see or wait in vain for someone to finally construct a workable plan for fan ownership or use whatever vehicles are open to us? It is inexcusable that things have been so bad for so long, but going public on the issue might have been a better approach - shame the club into action. Respected people endorsing a tainted plan is not a good idea, and by joining this fan board, you have given it a degree of credibility that it does not deserve. I wish you well in your desire to significantly improve the lot of the disabled fan, but this fan board is a sham that deserves to fail. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ser Barristan Selmy 222 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 I take exception to that remark. Billy, I would be interested in finding out why the minutes seem to focus so heavily on one person to comedic value. For the third time in this thread, I would be embarrassed to see my name mentioned so many times, though I was brought up to always be modest and have never been someone who seeks attention. You commented earlier that the minutes do not represent an accurate depiction of the meeting, we need to establish why this has occurred. Above all else, I want to see as much input from you as possible because you have been admirable in the last couple of years or so and this is your/our chance to demand some answers in an open exchange. To be honest, given Wallace has gone this is something that I see being disbanded soon, or at least ignored. I don't think it was something that ever had genuine intentions, and I agree with what Time4change has been saying. We can but try. PS - As I said earlier in the thread, if I can provide a tangible suggestion here I would like the simple question to be asked as to why we have no scouts at this once glorious club. Most clubs our size have 70/80 + Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
forlanssister 3,132 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 Billy, I would be interested in finding out why the minutes seem to focus so heavily on one person to comedic value. For the third time in this thread, I would be embarrassed to see my name mentioned so many times, though I was brought up to always be modest and have never been someone who seeks attention. You commented earlier that the minutes do not represent an accurate depiction of the meeting, we need to establish why this has occurred. I'm not quite sure what happened with the minutes but as I said previously I have to hold my hand up to my part in that (and to be fair to BH i think he too acknowledged the same). I'm extremely hopeful that the next minutes will be more to the general satisfaction. Above all else, I want to see as much input from you as possible because you have been admirable in the last couple of years or so and this is your/our chance to demand some answers in an open exchange. I hope to be able to do so and realise that I need to ensure my stance is properly recorded. To be honest, given Wallace has gone this is something that I see being disbanded soon, or at least ignored. I don't think it was something that ever had genuine intentions, and I agree with what Time4change has been saying. We can but try. I got the impression it was very much Wallace's baby, though others may disagree. PS - As I said earlier in the thread, if I can provide a tangible suggestion here I would like the simple question to be asked as to why we have no scouts at this once glorious club. Most clubs our size have 70/80 + I can certainly do that for you just remind me nearer to the 26th in-case I forget! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
trublusince1982 243 Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) You patently don't understand what I wrote because if you did, much of what comes after those first three words doesn't make sense. Strangely, neither do your own words from a post on RM seem to reconcile with your previous on this thread, # 419. Yes one question not 42 pages of constant interrogation.You ask a question then receive an answer. If you don't like the answer then either have nothing to do with the fan board/board meetings or stand at next election. As I said was not meaning to point the finger solely at you, I apologise again if that is how you feel. that being said there are channels available for all individual fans to communicate with the club on any issue causing distress (the more mundane). The club should deal with that issue on a majority rules basis. As for contacting the board then no individual customer should be able to do so directly. No fan has the right to access another fan doesn't. Everyone should use the same official channels and all have to jump through the same hoops to get there. Nobody should expect to get to nip the ear of the board because they talk for 200 members or 2000. None of them are worth more than the individual. When it comes to financial questions obviously there are things that can be discussed in the open and things that cannot. Giving information to the good guys unfortunately includes giving it to the bad guys. Every time another part of Rangers financial info hits the general public the clubs position at this time takes another slip.Banks mistrust, sponsors shy away, possible partnerships disappear, newspapers run a mock.The quote you highlight from me doesn't express my full meaning clearly(something i need to remember online). The fans board should be able to take questions from fans on financial matters and put them to the board. The fans board must then be allowed to continue those discussions behind closed doors. returning to us only when they are positive all is well or being mended or the current board can do nothing to fix the problem at the time being. The only thing we(the fans) must ensure is those on the board are aligned with the wants and desires of the Rangers support as a whole, with common goals for the future running of the club. If you want to know the knitty gritty then you need to be on the inside, so run for election. Rangers should never wash its dirty linen in public as it harms our position further. we all have to put our faith in something or someone, personally think fellow fans selected from the whole and democratically elected is that someone/thing. We should be well past the point of thinking public opinion/revelations will sway this board or remove individuals on it. They don't care, they have their excuses and patsies ready to take the hit.They have been two steps ahead the whole way. We need to try another strategy. More of the carrot and less of the stick. Same goes with official boycotts. They were a good effort but unfortunately didn't work, they have only lead to harming ourselves further and are tantamount to cutting off our nose to spite our face. That is not to be confused with those who just chose not to hand over their hard earned cash as it sickens them. Anyone who boycotted with a goal in mind should now see it didn't work in my humble opinion. If as it seems greed is their motivation then we must show they missed the bigger pie in their haste. Edited November 9, 2014 by trublusince1982 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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