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Perhaps our best chance of an end to this is a battle royal style fight where they all destroy each other.


Would be good but this is just Groundhog Day. A re-run of last year's AGM 'battle'.


It's all about the votes.

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Perhaps our best chance of an end to this is a battle royal style fight where they all destroy each other.


With all the heavyweights and Chins in our directors box, they could hold a Sumo Wrestling Tournament at Ibrox.

A fight to the death, with the eventual winner having a three minute play-off round with an angry lion who hadn't had breakfast.




Disclaimer: Joke

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They will publically support them while voting against them and once again the rangers board members who are trying to do what's right will be forced out.


That will be two ceo's in a row.


The fans need to wise up to this lot they will do anything to protect their onerous contracts.

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They will publically support them while voting against them and once again the rangers board members who are trying to do what's right will be forced out.


That will be two ceo's in a row.


The fans need to wise up to this lot they will do anything to protect their onerous contracts.


That is something which Wallace has frequently shown is not high up on his agenda. Nash has been invisible since he arrived, and until such times that he takes a public stand, can be viewed as similar.

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They will publically support them while voting against them and once again the rangers board members who are trying to do what's right will be forced out.


That will be two ceo's in a row.


The fans need to wise up to this lot they will do anything to protect their onerous contracts.


What are these mate? Any details?

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