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Unfortunately anything in the daily Rhebel I tend to regard as nonsense.This also.


You really can't argue with your in-depth reasoning and (technical) knowledge.





Whilst the DR isn't the bastion of best journalism, it can be said that it has been close (at times) to what has been simmering behind the scenes. It has received a 'kicking', attempts to discredit and various calls for boycott of occasion from the Rangers support, parts of the Rangers support, Rangers the club, bloggers etc.


It could be argued that it is partly being used as a conduit for getting info (news) out there by the 'side' that has opposed the ongoing spi.v process. The spi.vs obviously don't want any news, opinions, investigations, revelations getting out there and have over a longtime looked to wage a counter campaign against the DR or as they'd prefer you called it, the Daily Rhebal. For Rangers supporters to aid and abet them in this, is foolish and shortsighted.


If their is one thing Rangers supporters should have learnt, it is to try and be reasonably objective when interpretating X, Y or Z. That's not to say believe everything, but read/listen and think a little as you try and fit the impossible moveable jigsaw together. I even read the Judas Blogger, McMurdo because it can of occasion be an 'early warning system' courtesy of the Toxic link.

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