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Ashley will either win us the league or be torn apart by the rangers fans.


Same as any other owner.


Good luck to him.

He has shown with Newcastle that all he sees a football club as is a brand that funds his main interest. We will be likewise. All he will want from us is to be an ongoing concern. He doesn't care about the style of football, scouting or long term development. Case in point Newcastle, he was happy as larry when they were languishing in mid table. When they actually finished above Chelsea that was a huge stroke of luck and largely down to Ba and Cisse playing way above their ability. Now they are at risk of relegation though the knives come out.


All he cares about is us existing. At least that's something, perhaps he won't allow us to die. Although leading us to ruin has proven quite fruitful previously (and currently) so don't count your chickens.


It's amusing that we're already seeing a pro Ashley crowd forming (as a giruy to the SOS and UOF for our moronic sector).


To be honest supporting us has began to feel like a job I hate and don't get paid for. Should maybe go back to watching 9 in a row DVD's or youtube vids of our fans belting out TBBs..........Drink really can be quite sobering.....

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Forget about King, i have lost all faith in him. Ashley for good or bad looks like the man in the driving seat. We can keep battling him or work with him? I'm to tired now to worry any more.


Speaking to a couple of yahoos at work yesterday they're absolutely petrified of Ashley owning Rangers


I think Ashley would be a decent owner.



Here we go again.....

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He has shown with Newcastle that all he sees a football club as is a brand that funds his main interest. We will be likewise. All he will want from us is to be an ongoing concern. He doesn't care about the style of football, scouting or long term development. Case in point Newcastle, he was happy as larry when they were languishing in mid table. When they actually finished above Chelsea that was a huge stroke of luck and largely down to Ba and Cisse playing way above their ability. Now they are at risk of relegation though the knives come out.


All he cares about is us existing. At least that's something, perhaps he won't allow us to die. Although leading us to ruin has proven quite fruitful previously (and currently) so don't count your chickens.


It's amusing that we're already seeing a pro Ashley crowd forming (as a giruy to the SOS and UOF for our moronic sector).


To be honest supporting us has began to feel like a job I hate and don't get paid for. Should maybe go back to watching 9 in a row DVD's or youtube vids of our fans belting out TBBs..........Drink really can be quite sobering.....


Newcastle are a tiny wee club and their fans may accept relegation and winning nothing.


Ashley will find that's different at Rangers.

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He has shown with Newcastle that all he sees a football club as is a brand that funds his main interest. We will be likewise. All he will want from us is to be an ongoing concern. He doesn't care about the style of football, scouting or long term development. Case in point Newcastle, he was happy as larry when they were languishing in mid table. When they actually finished above Chelsea that was a huge stroke of luck and largely down to Ba and Cisse playing way above their ability. Now they are at risk of relegation though the knives come out.


All he cares about is us existing. At least that's something, perhaps he won't allow us to die. Although leading us to ruin has proven quite fruitful previously (and currently) so don't count your chickens.


It's amusing that we're already seeing a pro Ashley crowd forming (as a giruy to the SOS and UOF for our moronic sector).


To be honest supporting us has began to feel like a job I hate and don't get paid for. Should maybe go back to watching 9 in a row DVD's or youtube vids of our fans belting out TBBs..........Drink really can be quite sobering.....


Make sure to keep a full bottle of Johnnie Walker's beside you then as you watch those 9 In a Row DVD's, that way you will be able to dim the memory of the financial recklessness which accompanied NIAR and the subsequent mess which SDM's folly left us in. And spare yourself a dander at any of Spier's columns from the period with his outpouring of vitriol towards our club which was met with by the then owner "If a newspaper offends then dont buy it". They were hardly halcyon days either when we scratch beneath the veneer.


Rather than view any pro-Ashley elements as merely a moronic giruy to the SOS or UOF I see it more as what Hildy has referred to in the past as the "sugar daddy" culture within our suppport, which has been a considerable achilles heel for our club. We seem incapable of exercising self-determination, yet we are clearly and unequivocally the one set of people which have the best interests of the club at heart - the last 2 years is more than ample proof of that.


There are people on here, and elsewhere, who have lost faith in King - I have to say I can see why. He should have been far more vocal and visible as to what his intentions were, having started a revolt he has been conspicuous by his absence, and left others to take the flak of his vanishing act. Having raised the expectation amongst our support he should have at least managed that with statements or presence.


I share the concerns you have expressed over Ashley, I hope the one lesson we have learned as support from the Green experience is that when a guy comes in with no history or connection to the club you can bet your bottom dollar that it wont be for the best interests of Rangers.


But so long as we cling to that "sugar daddy" mentality our destiny will forever be in the hands of others rather than ourselves.

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Make sure to keep a full bottle of Johnnie Walker's beside you then as you watch those 9 In a Row DVD's' date=' that way you will be able to dim the memory of the financial recklessness which accompanied NIAR and the subsequent mess which SDM's folly left us in. And spare yourself a dander at any of Spier's columns from the period with his outpouring of vitriol towards our club which was met with by the then owner "If a newspaper offends then dont buy it". They were hardly halcyon days either when we scratch beneath the veneer.


Rather than view any pro-Ashley elements as merely a moronic giruy to the SOS or UOF I see it more as what Hildy has referred to in the past as the "sugar daddy" culture within our suppport, which has been a considerable achilles heel for our club. We seem incapable of exercising self-determination, yet we are clearly and unequivocally the one set of people which have the best interests of the club at heart - the last 2 years is more than ample proof of that.


There are people on here, and elsewhere, who have lost faith in King - I have to say I can see why. He should have been far more vocal and visible as to what his intentions were, having started a revolt he has been conspicuous by his absence, and left others to take the flak of his vanishing act. Having raised the expectation amongst our support he should have at least managed that with statements or presence.


I share the concerns you have expressed over Ashley, I hope the one lesson we have learned as support from the Green experience is that when a guy comes in with no history or connection to the club you can bet your bottom dollar that it wont be for the best interests of Rangers.


But so long as we cling to that "sugar daddy" mentality our destiny will forever be in the hands of others rather than ourselves.[/quote']


We had 20 million cash at bank at the end of 9 in a row.

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Make sure to keep a full bottle of Johnnie Walker's beside you then as you watch those 9 In a Row DVD's' date=' that way you will be able to dim the memory of the financial recklessness which accompanied NIAR and the subsequent mess which SDM's folly left us in. And spare yourself a dander at any of Spier's columns from the period with his outpouring of vitriol towards our club which was met with by the then owner [b']"If a newspaper offends then dont buy it"[/b]. They were hardly halcyon days either when we scratch beneath the veneer.


Rather than view any pro-Ashley elements as merely a moronic giruy to the SOS or UOF I see it more as what Hildy has referred to in the past as the "sugar daddy" culture within our suppport, which has been a considerable achilles heel for our club. We seem incapable of exercising self-determination, yet we are clearly and unequivocally the one set of people which have the best interests of the club at heart - the last 2 years is more than ample proof of that.


There are people on here, and elsewhere, who have lost faith in King - I have to say I can see why. He should have been far more vocal and visible as to what his intentions were, having started a revolt he has been conspicuous by his absence, and left others to take the flak of his vanishing act. Having raised the expectation amongst our support he should have at least managed that with statements or presence.


I share the concerns you have expressed over Ashley, I hope the one lesson we have learned as support from the Green experience is that when a guy comes in with no history or connection to the club you can bet your bottom dollar that it wont be for the best interests of Rangers.


But so long as we cling to that "sugar daddy" mentality our destiny will forever be in the hands of others rather than ourselves.


Isn't that similar to what you and your pals were telling everyone when Whyte's motives were being questioned?

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Make sure to keep a full bottle of Johnnie Walker's beside you then as you watch those 9 In a Row DVD's' date=' that way you will be able to dim the memory of the financial recklessness which accompanied NIAR and the subsequent mess which SDM's folly left us in. And spare yourself a dander at any of Spier's columns from the period with his outpouring of vitriol towards our club which was met with by the then owner "If a newspaper offends then dont buy it". They were hardly halcyon days either when we scratch beneath the veneer.


Rather than view any pro-Ashley elements as merely a moronic giruy to the SOS or UOF I see it more as what Hildy has referred to in the past as the "sugar daddy" culture within our suppport, which has been a considerable achilles heel for our club. We seem incapable of exercising self-determination, yet we are clearly and unequivocally the one set of people which have the best interests of the club at heart - the last 2 years is more than ample proof of that.


There are people on here, and elsewhere, who have lost faith in King - I have to say I can see why. He should have been far more vocal and visible as to what his intentions were, having started a revolt he has been conspicuous by his absence, and left others to take the flak of his vanishing act. Having raised the expectation amongst our support he should have at least managed that with statements or presence.


I share the concerns you have expressed over Ashley, [b']I hope the one lesson we have learned as support from the Green experience is that when a guy comes in with no history or connection to the club you can bet your bottom dollar that it wont be for the best interests of Rangers.[/b]


But so long as we cling to that "sugar daddy" mentality our destiny will forever be in the hands of others rather than ourselves.


Don't you mean from the Whyte experience? Green was merely a repeat performance, albeit by a more flamboyant actor.

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We had 20 million cash at bank at the end of 9 in a row.


Aye, but when a lie is repeated often enough it is regarded as fact, isn't that what we are always being told? When it is promulgated by someone who is largely well regarded by the online Rangers community it carries a lot more clout.

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