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Why oh why did RST decide en masse to prop the regime @ 20p?

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1. if there is so much unhappiness with the regime?


2. If the vow is to get as big a %age as possible to have a meaningful voice for Buy Rangers, then buying at 20p was never gonna be a good idea.........the market price was always gonna fall as a bigger pool of shares owned exactly the same business - they could have hoovered-up more at any subsequent release with the members' hard-invested. (can the protestors/boycotters/nae-sayers say why they ever thought the RST decision to do this was a good one?).


I've asked before, but never had an answer I could believe - why invest in Greenco now instead of waiting with the funds?????

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Waiting for what?


They have already invested in the previous share issue do they not have a duty to protect their members investment?


Waiting for the fully expected price drops/else the new issue - let us be clear - If BUY RANGERS had waited 4 days and bought today @ 19p they'd own more of Rangers than they will on Thursday (owning a %age is the avoud aim). You didn't need to be a New York Merchant to know it would happen this week.


Why did they willfully of foolishly prop the regime @ 20p instead?

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Waiting for the fully expected price drops/else the new issue - let us be clear - If BUY RANGERS had waited 4 days and bought today @ 19p they'd own more of Rangers than they will on Thursday (owning a %age is the avoud aim). You didn't need to be a New York Merchant to know it would happen this week.


Why did they willfully of foolishly prop the regime @ 20p instead?


Rightly or wrongly they are trying to protect their investment on behalf of their members and keep the company going.


Otherwise they risk losing everything as has already been stated on here in the last week the share price is going to just keep tumbling and when the big share issue comes the price will probably be between 10p and 13p. I’d be shocked if it was more than that.

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Waiting for the fully expected price drops/else the new issue - let us be clear - If BUY RANGERS had waited 4 days and bought today @ 19p they'd own more of Rangers than they will on Thursday (owning a %age is the avoud aim). You didn't need to be a New York Merchant to know it would happen this week.


Why did they willfully of foolishly prop the regime @ 20p instead?


Presumably they took the choice of wanting the money to go to the club rather than a third party shareholder.


Also they don't have a crystal ball to know what the share price was going to do.


FWIW, I don't think that they should have invested but understand why they did.

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cdynamo1 - sorry if my answer sounded rude BTW - I'm just frustrated - I could see last week there was no point in a limited aspirations fans sub-group of the RST buying @ 20p if they vow to own a 'mentionable percentage'.


AND - protecting what investment????? Greenco will go bust or not - one of the two, but not something they can ever change by propping them at the wrong price. Also, how did they protect members' subs last week? By buying at 20p when you can buy cheaper this week? Who on earth are their fund managers!!!!!!

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Presumably they took the choice of wanting the money to go to the club rather than a third party shareholder.


They, if you rag it down to today's price gave 1p per share to the business - NOT solely the club. Easy to make donations of that size


Also they don't have a crystal ball to know what the share price was going to do.


I think you could have got that 'crystal ball oot o Argos - the company said no investment. In essence they said it will be the same business owned by a larger number of shares. You might need to visit Specsavers instead of Argos.


FWIW, I don't think that they should have invested but understand why they did.


Explain again for the terminally sensible!

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cdynamo1 - sorry if my answer sounded rude BTW - I'm just frustrated - I could see last week there was no point in a limited aspirations fans sub-group of the RST buying @ 20p if they vow to own a 'mentionable percentage'.


AND - protecting what investment????? Greenco will go bust or not - one of the two, but not something they can ever change by propping them at the wrong price. Also, how did they protect members' subs last week? By buying at 20p when you can buy cheaper this week? Who on earth are their fund managers!!!!!!


The price could just have easily gone up for a few days on the back of the “success” (I use that loosely) but it was always going to come down. So in a sense you are correct they’ve thrown their members money away.


But if I was a member paying into this on the expectation that they would be investing in share issues etc. I would question why they didn’t when they had the opportunity.

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