ian1964 10,826 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 ........the only way to truly hurt the board is to stay away from games. GORDON argues that if fans really want to get rid of the Rangers board then they must cut off all financial support to the club. IT'S TIME for Rangers fans to pee or get off the pot. They either want regime change or they don’t. They either realise the power they wield or they don’t. The red card displays, the eternal and infernal statements, they show willing but ultimately achieve nothing. Sticks and stones and all that. But does anyone really think the occupants of their boardroom give a toss about what anyone says about them? They can’t hear you. They’re too busy counting your money. And all you’re doing is facilitating them. That’s the problem. The power of the Rangers support lies in its size, its strength but most of all in its unity of purpose. If half of you stick and half of you twist though? You’re playing right into their hands. Giving them just enough to keep their tiptoes on the bottom of the pool and their nostrils poking above the surface. That’s what 23,000 season tickets was in the summer. It was a message, it was five figures down – but it wasn’t enough for the fans, and just enough for the board. Same with the walk-ups. The drip-feeders. Around 20,000 for Hearts, another 11,000 for Clyde, 9000 each against Dumbarton and Queen of the South. You’re handing over your cash at the turnstiles and it’s going straight into a black hole. I understand there are plenty who just want to go to the football on a Saturday, who don't care about what goes on behind the scenes. They’re probably the silent majority. But maybe they need to start listening to the loud minority. Nine months ago, before their agm, was the first time they really threatened this lot with what they called ‘disengagement’. I said then that if they truly believed that was the way to go, then they all had to have the stomach for what would effectively be the euthanising of their club. A mercy killing. That the short-term pain would be acute but they’d appreciate what they’d done in the long term. But their disunity, their lack of a core belief, has crippled their true effectiveness. And here they are in the wake of that begging-bowl share issue, back at square one. So what choice do they have? They play Inverness at Ibrox in the League Cup on Tuesday. They don’t have another home league game for more than a fortnight when they play Hibs. For a club who, by their own admission, are living hand to mouth, two empty stadiums through to the end of September with no walk-ups, no hospitality, no catering, no nothing, would be financially catastrophic. But THAT’S the only language they speak. They were described to me the other day as being like wild dogs around a carcass, stripping it to the bone. When do they leave? When there’s nothing left for them. As long as there are morsels of meat to be picked off around the edges, they’ll hang around. A grasper like Imran Ahmad, for example. Only persuaded to take his leave this week by tossing a juicy chunk of what was left in his direction. So if the fans really want to do their club a favour, the place should be a morgue on Tuesday night. Will it hurt? Of course it will. But if you believe there’s a cancer, the only way to get rid of it is to cut it out – and hope. Ever since December and that car crash agm there’s been a suspicion that Rangers would have to go the grave again for a second resurrection. Is there a fear of what follows? Again, of course. But this is where a properly unified support has some control. Because much in the same way as the wild dogs won’t hang around, another pack won’t bother stepping in unless they think there’s another meal ticket to be had. Who’s going to invest in a club with no regular income? Any owner needs approval. He needs customers. So the only way to make anything out of Rangers now is to turn it into the business it SHOULD have become when they went belly up in the first place. Trimmed-down costs, sustainable plan, 40,000 people through the gate every week, build yourselves back up, develop players, sell the odd one for more money, challenge, win, get into the Champions League, get your share of that gigantic European pot… Sound familiar? The antithesis of what happened, when £70m walked in the other direction in just 18 months. Who knows, Dave King may have played the smartest game of all because he knows now he could yet be their only option, and that would have the approval of the rump of the rank and file. And don’t worry, the irony’s not lost – the uproar at the Easdales hanging out with Interpol’s most wanted, yet the open-armed embrace for a guy who’s spent more time dealing with South African courts in recent times than with affairs at Ibrox. But there may yet be plenty more pain before that scenario has a chance. Two weeks ago I said they had two choices. Neither of them attractive. Keep the regime afloat week to week, or not a penny more. Seems to me they only have one left. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/gordon-waddell-rangers-fans-must-4257414 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
the gunslinger 3,366 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 wallace has been reading my posts. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rangersitis 0 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 wallace has been reading my posts. You're a star, gunny! 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
the gunslinger 3,366 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 You're a star, gunny! it's worrying more than anything that he agrees. However, for once he is right. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
the gunslinger 3,366 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 the balance of minority and majority is also swinging. about 33% of rangers normal customer base are already not going. that's to all intents and purposes a terminal amount. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
buster. 5,450 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Waddell has shown of late to have a reasonable understanding of what has been going on, the bleakness of the situation and that there is pain ahead, whether it be of the acute variety that is a gamble or the inevitable road that fades and ends badly (but well for sp.ivs) and without even a fight. Alongside Richard Wilson, Keith Jackson (of occasion) and even Tom English (in his article of the other day) the spi.vs are shedding perceived clothes and being shown to have been in 'Birthday Suits'. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
gisabeer 409 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 If any of the fan groups bought shares in the lastest instalment then they have pissed their money away. Only a fool would put their money anywhere near this lot. We wont be getting our club back any time soon. In fact i very much doubt we will get it back at all. I have been an advocate of boycotting games for quite a few months now so nothing in this newspaper article is new to me. I have been well aware that the board have been lining their pockets from day one and havent put a penny anywhere near the club as a result. its staring us all in the face. you have to be a real fucking idiot not to see it. but still they go through the turnstiles handing over thier money to prop up the moneygrabbing leeches who run our club. Stupidity at its finest. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
gisabeer 409 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Waddell has shown of late to have a reasonable understanding of what has been going on, the bleakness of the situation and that there is pain ahead, whether it be of the acute variety that is a gamble or the inevitable road that fades and ends badly (but well for sp.ivs) and without even a fight. Alongside Richard Wilson, Keith Jackson (of occasion) and even Tom English (in his article of the other day) the spi.vs are shedding perceived clothes and being shown to have been in 'Birthday Suits'. waddel has trawled the websites to write this article. hes six months too late. we should do him with plaguerism! 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
aweebluesoandso 290 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 I'm at breaking point, I love the Teddy Bears and we love our football, I was a junior football coach, my son plays amateur football even she who must be obeyed is a football fan and to geis some peace today, she's away to Old Trafford . But i'm a statement away from jacking it in, sick to death of heartless asset strippers ruining my club. I think Thursday will decide it for me if Scotland goes independent that will be the straw that breaks this Camel's back, i couldn't take Rangers at the mercy of the Nationalists, fooking guerilla war for me now, no scotch pies, no Irn Bru and they can stick their Still Game tickets next week at the SCC up their erses. I'm oo,t, fineto, caput. finished. Domestic freedom has went to my napper, sorry for the rant. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
RANGERRAB 4,007 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Just read this article by Waddell. Sounds as if it could have been written by the likes of the Union of Fools. When will the penny finally drop that Dave King has not got and is not going to invest this mythical £30million? He's disappeared. Won't be back. Won't hear from him again.Lets move on..... 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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